washingtonbrown replied to the topic Immediate deduction vs. capital work in the forum Legal & Accounting 12 years ago
Sounds to me like you've answered your own question.
In these repairs vs. capital improvements it really can be a case by case basis and lots of grey areas.
On the face of it….i'd probably start with a repair….
If you don't start that way – you'll never be able to go back.
washingtonbrown replied to the topic Immediate deduction vs. capital work in the forum Legal & Accounting 12 years ago
Maybe this article i wrote will be help you?
washingtonbrown replied to the topic Did you know that you can claim depreciation on your overseas property? in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years ago
Sure did know that
We get http://www.washingtonbrown.com.au/property-depreciation-schedules#internationalDepreciation
We get around these days!
Tyron Hyde
www,washingtonbrown.com.auwashingtonbrown replied to the topic Property In North Dakota -Whats The Catch?? in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years ago
If it's soooo good – why do they need to sell it to Aussies! Surely all the Americans would buy?
At one property expo I exhibited at recently….about a third of the stands were all selling US properties.
That made me worried!
Tyron Hyde
http://www.washingtonbrown.com.auwashingtonbrown replied to the topic Removal of Depreciation in the forum Legal & Accounting 12 years ago
Well the good news is – the Tax Working Group did nothing.
Depreciation is back baby!!
Tyron Hyde
http://www.washingtonbrown.com.auwashingtonbrown replied to the topic Removal of Depreciation in the forum Legal & Accounting 12 years ago
You can see all the submissions here in relation to removal of depreciation.
I think they should increase to 4% building allowance to encourage investment and save money.
If you're interested read the Washington Brown submission.
Tyron…[Read more]
washingtonbrown replied to the topic Overseas property depreciation rules in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years ago
We have people in certain parts of the world.
I wrote this article on the topic some while back:
I hope it helps
Tyron Hyde
http://www.washingtonbrown.com.auwashingtonbrown replied to the topic contract of sale this financial year but settlement next financial – can you claim deductions now and depreciation schedule when in the forum Legal & Accounting 13 years ago
As you are not settling until July…..you won’t be able to claim anything this financial year.
The report will start from Settlement.
Might be best to organise the QS to inspect just prior to settlement – so as to not disturb the tenants if you have one immediately.
Tyron Hyde
http://www.washingtonbrown.com.auwashingtonbrown replied to the topic Townhouse construction costs in Melbourne in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago
washingtonbrown replied to the topic Depreciation Schedule – Self Inspect in the forum Legal & Accounting 14 years ago
I have strong views on this topic. You can’t “self assess” the construction costs and it’s not supported by our Institute.
Further – read Tip 11 here:
You now need to make sure anyone you are dealing with is a Registered…[Read more]
washingtonbrown replied to the topic Depreciation on renovated building in the forum General Property 14 years ago
washingtonbrown replied to the topic Depreciation on renovated building in the forum General Property 14 years ago
Hi Dean
Quite a complex query. If you want some free advice give me a call tomorrow.
Tyron hyde
washingtonbrown replied to the topic Can anyone recommend a depreciation schedule specialist in WA: Perth/Mandurah? in the forum Legal & Accounting 14 years ago
HI Daniel
We do work in that area if you are interested.
washingtonbrown replied to the topic Initial Repair (capital) or Deduction? in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
This article might be of benefit to you. I wrote it for YIPmag.com.au
Tyron Hyde
http://www.washingtonbrown.com.auwashingtonbrown replied to the topic Depreciation Schedule in the forum General Property 15 years ago
Hi PleeThat's a really good question.With regards to World Square – we act for Meriton Apartments – so we have all the plans, specs and costs etc.So you could feel more comfortable using us in this interest.RegardsTyron HydeDirectorwww.washingtonbrown.com.au
washingtonbrown replied to the topic Depreciation Schedule when builder quotes turnkey price in the forum Legal & Accounting 15 years ago
TR 97 / 25 Par 28 indicates who can estimate the construction costs where the costs are unknown. Valuers and accountants CANNOT the Par reads like this:28. Appropriately qualified people might include:
· a quantity surveyor, who has expertise in the relevant type of construction; · a clerk of works, such as a project organiser for major bui…
washingtonbrown replied to the topic Depreciation Schedule in the forum General Property 15 years ago
Hi DWolfe
It really depends on the location and type of property.
There is a section on our website to give a few details and we’ll send you a proper quote.
have a great day
washingtonbrown replied to the topic Depreciation Schedule in the forum General Property 15 years ago
Hi BlissyWhy don't you use our free depreciation calculator:http://www.washingtonbrown.com.au/That way you can work out how much you can claim first!regardsTyron
washingtonbrown replied to the topic Quantity Surveyor Required in the forum General Property 16 years ago
I'm biased – but why dont you give try our calculator – to see what returns you might achieve.www.washingtonbrown.com.auRegardsTyron
washingtonbrown replied to the topic Tax depreciation VS apartment value in the forum Finance 16 years ago
Hi Jazamite
Go to our website
We have a free dep calculator that will help you.
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