wanting more replied to the topic Rich in Money Poor in Time – Seeking Partner. in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
Hi I am in Adelaide – I am the opposite, opposites attract – really only a beginner but would accept a wage…
have got heaps of motivation…
wanting morewanting more replied to the topic Apartments in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
Hi, I looked at buying just a few months ago in Adelaide also.However, I found much better bargains out in the suburbs. I personally think there will be problems reselling them in a few years time as there are new apartments being built all the time and they are constantly bigger, better,with carparking space, security, gyms, pools etc etc.
Just…[Read more]wanting more replied to the topic When should i do reno’s?? in the forum General Property 20 years ago
Thanks everyone for your encouragement, i really appreciate it and your comments.
I have purchased both of Steve’s books and only yesterday managed to get hold of Peter Spann’s book.I have read Jan’s books as well in the past.
Steve said “It’s more likely that a large portion your works will not be immediately deductibe, but rather need to be…[Read more]wanting more replied to the topic When should i do reno’s?? in the forum General Property 20 years ago
We have just purchased our first IP just six weeks ago.We are in the process of renovating it prior to putting tenants in ..We have painted throughout, complete new bathroom, new – (well excellent secondhand kitchen), carpets cleaned, garden done etc..We are doing it all now to build up the equity so we can buy another IP ASAP…Being very new to…[Read more]
wanting more replied to the topic Polished floor boards or carpet? in the forum Opinionated! 21 years ago
My opinion is that the white stains really badly over time, beetroot, bleach etc.They tend to end up yellowing! I personally don’t think you can beat a sink that has been polished with metho or windex just prior to an open inspection.
good luck
Wanting Morewanting more replied to the topic Furniture Storage – Need Good Advice in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago
Do u live in Adeliade by any chance? always looking at ways to redecorate my own home would be be happy to oblige [biggrin]
I only sold my last Carters Guide To Antiques last week as well..[biggrin]
Wanting More ( you bet)wanting more replied to the topic Auction – 10% deposit question in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago
We were in a similar situation last week. Our deposit was coming out of the new loan via equity. We asked the estate agent what we could do and he told us a “letter of bank guarantee for the deposit” is very acceptable. This method has to be approved by the owners though prior to auction.In our case it was a mortgagee sale and they had to…[Read more]wanting more replied to the topic asbestos insulation in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago
My first advice is to treat as asbestos until you know for certain.
Secondly, In the past, asbestos material was used in some insulation materials and should be removed by experts in this field. If you are concerned that your insulation may be of this type ask an accredited contractor to check the material for you.House Proud
wanting more replied to the topic Asbestos Warning for Renovators in the forum General Property 21 years ago
Originally posted by AusProp:
I think this asbestos issue will become a huge issue. the deaths so far are the tip of the iceberg; when tens of thousands of people start dying I think there could become mass public paranoia. our friends at James Hardie thought they were clever making a run for the US, lets hope their past catches up with…[Read more]wanting more replied to the topic Asbestos Warning for Renovators in the forum General Property 21 years ago
Originally posted by bbruham:
I’ve worked with asbestos for years.I even worked in the blue asbestos mines at Wittenoom Gauge,West Aussie for three months.Never killed me. Damn!!!
I was there waiting for my lottery results(I won).bbruham.[withstupid][inlove]
All joking aside I hope you understand the ramifications of this..It can take…[Read more]
wanting more replied to the topic ASBESTOS AND FIBRO in the forum General Property 21 years ago
“I have been told the cost to remove all fibro from a 3 b/room house by a Licensed asbestos remover will be at least $5,000”
Well it is a small price to pay for your family to see you grow old.. Home renovators and the general public just don’t understand the dangers.
It only takes one minute piece of fibre to cause asbestosis or mesothelioma
House Proud.wanting more replied to the topic Asbestos -how to deal with it in the forum General Property 21 years ago
I have posted an article to this the article can be found here to read it in full.
wanting more replied to the topic Asbestos task force for Canberra in the forum General Property 21 years ago
Whoooooops I forgot the article can be found here to read it in full.
wanting more replied to the topic where to start in the forum Finance 21 years ago
Hi Meggsy
start small you are on the right track as you are reading this forum and thinking about things.
If you cant sleep at night try reading some of the books that have been recommended on the site, some of them are great and some may put you to sleep.
Some people are too judgemental – I always try to remember the old saying ” dont criticise…[Read more]wanting more replied to the topic Courses in adelaide in the forum Heads Up! 21 years ago
If you go to this site I am sure you will finf the information you hope to get.Duckling Business & Investment Network
http://www.duckling.com.auThere is a a meeting being hekd next week.
good luck.wanting more replied to the topic Is 59 too old to get Bank Finance?? in the forum Finance 21 years ago
hi, just wanted to let you know my mother had no trouble getting a home loan last year at 72! She went through Home-start cetainly not for everyone however, at least she was able to get a new place of her own after her and her partner split.It has now increased in value by $30,000 so beats paying rent.
wanting more (but about to change my name…)wanting more replied to the topic equity in home but on a pension HELP please? in the forum Finance 21 years ago
hmmm do u think one minute millionaire is ok for my new name, I’d prefer that one
I do agree with you I am just trying to change it now..
i have tried to get the free e-books and they just will not accept me for some reason, but not to be deterred I have been to the library site and requested them there. The person who has to deal with my orders…[Read more]wanting more replied to the topic equity in home but on a pension HELP please? in the forum Finance 21 years ago
Hi Mark,
Many thanks for the time you have spent answering my query. I really appreciate your time. Firstly I am not offended by any means, I am in shock that you know me so well from an email[blush2]. I am currently reading Dr Phill’s book SELF MATTERS – creating your life from the inside out.Time to stop asking what if? and finally make things…[Read more]wanting more replied to the topic equity in home but on a pension HELP please? in the forum Finance 21 years ago
thank you once again, I have been there and read through and there is some very useful information. I just hope the gentleman by the name of Marc who works for Cenrelink reads my question – he appears to have all the answers…thanks again[biggrin]
wanting more replied to the topic equity in home but on a pension HELP please? in the forum Finance 21 years ago
Many thanks for the reply..
Hmm well thats a different way of looking at it.AND the house is getting too big for us, so this could possibly be a good way of starting fresh..I will do a search like you suggested as well…thanks again…