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  • WannaBeInvestor replied to the topic Which loan should I go for? in the forum Finance 15 years ago

    Thank you for your comments Richard and Terry.I will try to clean this mess up and get some advice from a good tax adviser.Thank you very much.

  • WannaBeInvestor replied to the topic Which loan should I go for? in the forum Finance 15 years ago

    Thank you for your comments Richard and Terry.I will try to clean this mess up and get some advice from a good tax adviser.Thank you very much.

  • WannaBeInvestor replied to the topic Display Home and Stamp Duty Capitalization in the forum Finance 15 years ago

    Hi Richard,Thanks for your response and sorry for the late reply.I wanted to buy a display home for about $400K and wanted to borrow $360K + Stamp dutyI called a few lenders but they don't lend more than 80% for Display Homes as Mortgage Insurers don't accept Display Homes.Do you know any lender who would accept it?Thank you.
