Forum Replies Created
The Flower Drum it is then,although i might not go for the banquet again, could hardly walk afterwards(and it wasn’t because of the Moet !)
Plan for the worst and hope for the best.
And for goodness sake, DO SOMETHING ![angry2]
Being a Gen X’er who cant reed,right or spel have found crunching the numbers extremly hard, but am getting better with LOTS of practice. Even had a conversation with my acca and understood what he was saying.
Only started learing once i got outta school[grad]
Another plus for LO’s is the access to rent assistance as Terry the King of LO land has mentioned before[confused2]
Geez, i bet a few brothels are spewing that domain name is taken !![cigar]
) Whether your first porperty was a PPOR or an IP,
PPOR BIG BLOCK, lived in caravan while building house
b) What made you think about buying a first property
could afford the land outright, then as we earnt we built the house without a morgage
c)When you found the one you bought, why do that one suit?
Liked the lifestyle the town offered, far enough out but not too far from the big smoke
d) Was the first purchase emotive or done under proper due diligence.
Umemotional coz we never had 50,000 to spend on anything and we didn’t want to piss it away. We wanted BANG 4 our BUCK[shades]
Equity Mate !!
just rackin up my posts[grad]
I had my Mothers Day @ the Flower Drum, could i suggest we go there for out Melb Ip groups next meeting. The Lobster and Moet is exceptional[whistle]
I Hear wot you’re saying Jo,
Just thinking looong term, if i cough up initially etc…Simon, can you point me in any direction ??
I’ve had six children…I was just wishin’ [blush2]
So all that deep soci-economic talk takes 5 minutes huh ? I’m liking this group already [cigar] YEAH !
Mud Balls…you got ’em, and they’re not made of MUD !!
Now i know what i’m doin’wrong[tired]
What does one property investor say to another property investor?
How about..”I’m looking in an area i won’t disclose, for a property priced between $10.00 – $300,000, my figures (which i can’t show you) say i should make X amount of profit, that’s why MY bank will lend me so much. Now stop staring at my breasts…”[ohno]
I think setting up a trust with a corporate trustee helps mimimise CGTBut take that with a grain of salt, I’m just happy using BIG words
Monopoly, if you do go, a whole heap of us will be there just to see if you look anything like your cartoon picture. (i’ll be the one sitting against the wall with the braces & ‘coke bottle’ glasses wearing a a modest tweed ensemble)
Sorry, happy hour starts early on saturdays !!
Hello all, jsut to drag this out a bit further, I really need to learn ‘the art’ of figuring out excatly what the frik to pay for a house.
If one had a house that they wanted $95,000 for, is it reasonable to say they would put it on the market for 100,000 so they could have a bit of bargning le-way. ? Now, bunny (me) comes along and offers $95,000, RE says ‘they have refused offers for $98,000. Do i just pay the $100,000 and buy the bloody thing (coz it meets all my requirements).OR, walk away etc. I have missed out on a few houses that consequently get sold for a couple of grand more than what i offered. But the price i offered was my max for our stratgey…it’s getting a bit frustrating…WF
Great post Marky
in regards to point no. 5, what do you do then ! Say the price of a property if b/w 220,000 – 230,000 and you offer 220,000 , agent says the vendor has declined an offer for 225,000. What next. Can they lie about that. Do you submint an offer for 222,000 ?
Too many mind games, too small a mind
Milking it for all he can get eh !!
Now Kay, if you WERE wanting a dodgie job, my sister bought 2 x 20L tins of white ceiling paint for $100, and did pretty much the whole inside of her house. Cheap and it looks …well white.
Why not give painting a go, you’re never too young to learn !
Just get Steve’s
Bec – from one sista to another:
Lerve is a two way street.Another quick story:
My daddy came to Oz with S100.00, a wife and five kids. The Govt offered him $124.00 p.w on the DOLE. He instead went to WORK at Toyota for $120.00 p.w. Why ? Anyone?