well that is kind of a hurdle, a house costs $300k minimum, plus $20k renovation, just not the kind of money i have had spare, when my loans get down to $100k i might consider it i guess.
thanks Benny,
if i buy a unit that is in a complex of 4 on a block of land:
wouldn’t my property value decrease due to age (10%), and the land goes up buy 60%/4. So my value in land still goes up.
If the units all burnt down the land value that i own (1/4) has still increased.
sorry meant looking for a start in development and/or student accommodation renovations.
sarah are you in Brisbane? Who do you use for your student property managers? What about electricity and internet? How do you structure/bill for that?
yeah so this may be worth while changing this all over.
move all my property to a trust, then pay a salary, then all profits will remain in the trust, and will only be charged at the lower tax rate?
Does that sound like something that i should investigate?
Ohh I should have mentioned I am 29. So no where near retirement.
Can I run a property investing business? Why not?
My parents used to pay themselves a wage and keep the profits in their business (plumbers). Why can I not do the same with a property business?
This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by vyaw2003.
the other 2 can apply for first home owners grant, I cant what happens there??
richard out of options 1,2,3, they all look good. But i guess which would be the simplest, easiest, cheapest option. Would we need an accountant to help up set that sort of thing up. How much does a company cost to setup? We might be better and easier all putting in 15 each = 45 deposit, and get something with that, to keep it equal thirds. Its just that we all have different incomes, so we could all afford to pay different amounts.
Obviously the smaller depositor shouldnt get an equal third, that why i ask about shares, they would own say 1/5, and the others own 2/5 each.
heres my 2 cents I laugh at the fact that HOLDEN brags about the fact that it spent $1 billion developing that "All new" commodore. The V8 is not even as powerful or as fast as the V6 because it is heavier. What logic is there in having a V8? Just to burn more oil? Also I would much rather buy the last model commodore with different running gear and a motor that runs on water or whatever. I can tell you $1 billion would have been able to develop a fully functional car that doesn't depend on gas,oil,petrol, or nuclear. I think the original point to the post was as an economic one. If we run out of oil, will economies survive? In 25 years time will a penthouse on the gold coast that is now $5mil cost $20mil, or be worth $100,000?? Sustainability has been reached and passed. We could crush the world back to Neanderthal days. I guess it would be a bad thing, but oil dependency will force a down turn in the economy when we do run out. Will the land collapse with out oil under it holding the ground at its level??
well i have 1 property that pulling in 6k i have heard that NZ market is still making pretty good % returns. enough to make me want to go and take a look myself. Obviously if i buy, sure i can claim my expenses. But if only look, on what grounds and evidence can i provide to prove it is actually a business trip. Surely i dont have committ to something just to prove its tax deductible. I have a few house in one area that i will look at, also meet with a few agents ect. Try to get a look at the costs with regards to NZ governement. Also what would the ATO say considering it is another counrty. Maybe they would say i can claim those looses only against my nz income and my nz tax to the nz goverenment. No offence NZ but i was going on a real holiday i would go to Europe. I guess i need some advice on OS investing.
well the last one cost me $700 to sell a block, i told him he was too exy, then he had all these additional costs. I have seen some cheaper ones around so i might go with one of them instead.
SEQ, I wanted 300, reduced to 270 after no offers for a year, sat for another 7 months, then the agent decides they want it. You may say this is low for the SEQ Average, but it is a fair price in the location and current HL% rate ATM.
**Is there a way i can put a clause in the contract that they cant resell the property for a certian amount of time, and if they do i get the profits. How would i even be able to monitor or control this??? Because they may turn around and relist it and actually make 30-40k if they have a buyer wanting to pay more, maybe they are trying to do me out of a deal.
maybe, its been on the market for a h3ll of a long time, i am just happy to get rid of it, as the interest only loan was burning me. If i get all of the asking price and he takes no commission i would be happy with that amount. It has to be a good deal for both parties.
jamie jurie filled in a pool on back yard blitz once. it thought he was an idot for doing it.
But it might be even easier and cheaper and add value to fix it. Cemete cracks should be easily patched, black jacked and then sealed with waterever finish you choose. You havnt mentioned if the pump and colriator are still attached if they are, apart from the water, it should not cost you more than $2000 to get it repaired. You said it was already a big backyard so there is no real need to fill it in? ps. put a diving board or a slippy slide on it