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  • vtxdevo replied to the topic greatest asset – your job???? in the forum Opinionated! 19 years, 10 months ago

    There have been a lot of good discussions here. But really I think a job is something to pay the bills while you work on something else on the side. Once your side job brings in more income than your job, then you can reduce your job to just a part-time thing. Imagine only having to work 3 days per week, just to bring in the beer money. Well I…[Read more]

  • vtxdevo replied to the topic Tenant just won’t move in! in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 10 months ago

    PK, If they don’t move in, you should make sure that the place looks lived in to minimize the likelyhood that no-one vandalizes it. You know, the usual …. no junk mail hanging out the letter boxes. Make sure the gardens are mowed and the lawn watered regularly.Put the bins out on the kerb to be collected weekly. If you’re managing the place…[Read more]

  • vtxdevo replied to the topic How do the young invest? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 10 months ago

    To everyone who’s answered to this topic, I’d like to thank you all. It’s given me an insight into one of today’s struggles.

    Rick … yes, I’ve also heard of that book and probably read it many years ago. I should get myself another copy and revise. It could become a valuable gift I can send a few people.

    Kiwi …. nice to hear that someone has…[Read more]

  • vtxdevo replied to the topic Warnbro set to Boom? in the forum General Property 20 years, 1 month ago

    Yeah, you’re right there. You need to spend loads on petrol to go get anything. I’m sure the local councils etc will have to address this issue. It’s always been the case with these beachside suburbs between Rockingham and Mandurah.

  • vtxdevo replied to the topic 401K used to finance IP in the forum Finance 20 years, 1 month ago

    I believe that I can roll the 401K into another companies 401K fund without incurring taxes. So with this in mind, I was wondering if I could roll the 401K into a self managed super fund that invests in +CF properties and not incur a tax debt at this stage?
    Who should I go and talk to about this? Would my CPA be the best person to see?
    I would…[Read more]

  • vtxdevo replied to the topic Warnbro set to Boom? in the forum General Property 20 years, 1 month ago

    The only unfortunate aspect to Port Kennedy is that access to the beach is a little bit restricted by the golf course actually running along the coast, hence you’d have to drive a fair bit around the course to go to the beach, unlike the beaches at Warnbro.
    However, if it’s access to the beach that interests you, then the next suburb down is a…[Read more]

  • vtxdevo replied to the topic Warnbro set to Boom? in the forum General Property 20 years, 1 month ago

    G’day Marisa,

    I can’t remember exactly where the Anchorage is, maybe its the new estate on Safety Bay road that they’ve just recently cleared, just a tad back from warnbro.
    However, Port Kennedy is an area that I wish I had invested in 10 years ago. I remember seeing blocks of land for $18,000 or so in a suburb between port kennedy and Warnbro,…[Read more]

  • vtxdevo replied to the topic Warnbro set to Boom? in the forum General Property 20 years, 1 month ago

    Cooloongup is actually split into 2 parts. The newer part is in Woodbridge Estate near the regional hospital and Rockingham golf course. This sectio has really nice houses and streets that are really quiet. Although a tad back furhter from the ocean, it certainly is a prime part of Rockingham that many people don’t know about.
    A neighbouring…[Read more]


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