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  • VP replied to the topic My very first home. Unit vs subdivision strategy in the forum I have read this thread all 11 years, 9 months ago

    I have read this thread all the way through…….it is very informative……….but I could not find the answer that I was looking for. Could the experts here please help me with the following?

    My Question……..

    I want to buy a vacant land and subdivide it and build multiple units (4 or 6 units). However, I have the following…[Read more]

  • VP replied to the topic to buy or not to buy in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 11 months ago

    Hi EttyWhere is the property, is it in Bentley?Is there an option to build another house in the backyard given the block is reasonably big?6K +ve cash sound good to me Vidy

  • VP replied to the topic HELP! Being lured toward “Real Estate Mastery – EmpowerNet” in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 12 months ago

    I had similar experience with Central Equity who had an information session in Perth a few months ago, and they were trying to sell 22sqm units for 209K. I am not sure who invests in such deals.

  • VP replied to the topic should positive property have p & i or interest only finance? in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 12 months ago

    Hi  mitchellmcintyreI agree with Terryw's suggestion, i.e. if you have outstanding non-deductable debt then focus on paying off that first and have your first IP on IO. But once you have repayed your non-deductable debt, I personally would prefer to stick with PI. I feel more secure when I dont have too much outstanding debt :) I guess it depends…[Read more]

  • VP replied to the topic cash flow positive houses in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 12 months ago

    Hi roba72I just checked the site but could not find any properties listed in WAI guess they dont have any +ve geared properties any longer in WAVidy

  • VP replied to the topic Need 1st project help in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 12 months ago

    Hi JanetI had similar ideas like you but not on the renovating front but on building new properties in Perth in suburbs like Queens Park, East Cannington, Kelmscott or Belmont.I have a house and plan to repay it by end of 2009, but then I have a huge Tax bill, which I want to reduce and hence I was planning to get my first IP. But after reading t…[Read more]


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