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  • voussoir replied to the topic Brick interior walls in the forum Value Adding 15 years, 1 month ago

    I assume you are mentioning "face brick" walls?You will have to remove and replace the cornice.  Solid plastering involves a lot of cement and quite messy if you intend on keeping the floor coverings. Float one day, set a few days later.You can drywall with 6mm sheet. The gyprocker can also put in new cornices while he is there in one hit. One…[Read more]

  • voussoir replied to the topic Tiling costs in the forum Value Adding 15 years, 1 month ago

    At $50 and hour, that is eqivalent to an income of $100k a year.This is why I left the building industry.Take out:GSTaccountantsuperannuationworkers compensationtoolsquotation time incl lost quotesvehicle expensespublic liability insuranceholiday paymobile phone bill46 weeks a year for a standard wages jobSome fo these jobs your "contracted" for 2…[Read more]


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