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Von Ripsnorter

  • Von Ripsnorter replied to the topic Dunedin in the forum Overseas Deals 20 years ago

    Hi Westan,
    Like you I have no intension to sell & like you my propertys are in Mornington & St kilda
    we must think alike
    I understand you have some in Invercargill too??
    snap, same here =)

  • Von Ripsnorter replied to the topic Dunedin in the forum Overseas Deals 20 years ago

    Hi Well Dunedin has changed since you were here last
    you pick up a dive in Dundas st now for $200,000- $250,000 & you might if your lucky get $300pw for it
    but there are plenty of empty student flats here at the moment & rent deductions going on, Infact in this mornings paper it was mentioned that there are 43 knowen student flats sitting empty as…[Read more]

  • Hi,
    I sure hope that what most of you are saying is good, as we have a couple of units in Invers (I normanlly refer to Invercargill as “Invervegas”)
    We brought down there as , at the time most propertys were still cash flow postive, though that seems to have changed & I see now that only the cheaper & in some cases , junk propertys seem to be at…[Read more]

Von Ripsnorter