Von Ripsnorter replied to the topic Dunedin in the forum Overseas Deals 20 years ago
Hi Westan,
Like you I have no intension to sell & like you my propertys are in Mornington & St kilda
we must think alike
I understand you have some in Invercargill too??
snap, same hereVon Ripsnorter replied to the topic Dunedin in the forum Overseas Deals 20 years ago
Hi Well Dunedin has changed since you were here last
you pick up a dive in Dundas st now for $200,000- $250,000 & you might if your lucky get $300pw for it
but there are plenty of empty student flats here at the moment & rent deductions going on, Infact in this mornings paper it was mentioned that there are 43 knowen student flats sitting empty as…[Read more]Von Ripsnorter replied to the topic Invercargill NZ, is it a good place to invest? in the forum Overseas Deals 20 years ago
I sure hope that what most of you are saying is good, as we have a couple of units in Invers (I normanlly refer to Invercargill as “Invervegas”)
We brought down there as , at the time most propertys were still cash flow postive, though that seems to have changed & I see now that only the cheaper & in some cases , junk propertys seem to be at…[Read more]