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  • vita22 replied to the topic Staging Furniture in the forum Value Adding 15 years ago

    Hi Fredo!I am so glad you have posted this! Does anyone know how much staging cost? Say, for a typical 3 bedroom home – all rooms staged. My realestate agent gave an approximation of $3,000. This does not sound a lot for the benefits gained. And where does one look for a staging company? Some of them charge $100 per hour for consultation (when lo…[Read more]

  • In VIC in Yaraville to Footscray area I would highly recommend the team at Jas H. Stephens – very professional and highly focused on the job.

  • vita22 replied to the topic My first house auction in the forum General Property 15 years ago

    Auctions are defiantly worth effort, NBS!

    I am going to stick up for auctions – I like them. I have bought and sold in QLD and VIC and they seem to work in VIC better than QLD.
    Rule No1 – EVERY realestate WILL underquote which is why always add 10-15% on top of the quoted price and THAT will be price that the owners want to sell. If this is too…[Read more]

  • vita22 replied to the topic What type of vehicle do you have ?? in the forum
    VW Beetle 1954 model –
    15 years ago

    VW Beetle 1954 model – limited vintage rego.
    VW Van – diesel – will go anywhere and do anything!
    Mazda 6 2009 – company car with unlimited free fuel!
    2 BMW motorbikes – 650 and 1200. For fun.

    No depreciating assets here!

    One day 911 Porche.

  • vita22 replied to the topic “property managers” too busy to manage properties! in the forum Opinionated! 15 years ago

    Too right! I think more people should do what you did and test the quality of their PM.

  • vita22 replied to the topic Do you really need a bath? in the forum Value Adding 15 years ago

    My vote is for no bath!

    They are such space and water wasters! Totally agree with Duckster to invest in a deep set shower basin if children are an issue. Otherwise a double shower is a lot more attractive for a working couple and these days more and more people put off having children. Mind you, if you were in Brisbane there would be no debate -…[Read more]

  • vita22 replied to the topic Have $370,000 to spend in Melbourne in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago

    Take a look at Seddon and I agree with the above that some pockets of Footscray are worthwhile (careful though of council housing areas).

    Funny how the grass seems greener… we are currently in VIC but are looking to QLD as a place for better opportunities.

  • vita22 replied to the topic Would you rent and have an investment property? in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago

    My sister and brother-in-law were against renting and wanted to give the best for their 3 children, so they project managed the building of their dream house on a good sized block. In the meantime they put up living in a shack on the property while the house was built. The funds ran out and the building stalled. After a few job changes it got…[Read more]

  • vita22 replied to the topic Renting whilst investing? in the forum Agree that mail redirection 15 years ago

    Agree that mail redirection sucks. We only have the one P.O.Box (currently in a different state where we are now!) which redirects all. Avoid giving out the ‘current’ residence to lessen the confusion when its time to move.

  • vita22 replied to the topic 2009 how did you do in the forum Commercial Property 15 years ago

    Bought our third property in 2009 (Noosa area) and maxed the borrowing capacity. Oh, if we could buy more!

    Not wanting to be monkeys with a trapped hand in the jar, will take Steve’s advice and sell the ripe ones for better opportunities in 2010.

    Good investing to all in 2010!

  • vita22 replied to the topic Double Tax?? in the forum Legal & Accounting 15 years ago

    That’s fantastic!

    Once more, unrelenting questions…

    1. You mentioned a beneficiary can be a company. CAN a company be counted as a family member and be part of a Family trust? I am only assuming that it can, providing directors are family members. If they are not, then one needs to form a Unit Trust instead. Is this right?

    2. In the next two…[Read more]
