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  • VickiGoodwin replied to the topic Overseas property investment in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 5 months ago

    Hi. You might like to have a look at and follow the links to Capital Gains. Unless the property is used as your only home, you will most likely incur capital gains in the UK payable to the UK authorities. The website is quite helpful as a starting point but the laws are quite complex, as different scales of relief are…[Read more]

  • VickiGoodwin replied to the topic Australian Property Investing Masters in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 6 months ago

    7,500 air miles later have arrived back at the office in Singapore with so many fresh ideas and thoughts about where life can go and what is possible from here. Looks like I could stand to become an even bigger BA/Qantas/Singapore Air customer over the next few years…..

    Was really great to meet so many like-minded people and I wish everyone…[Read more]


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