VENTURENT replied to the topic custodian wealth builders in the forum Heads Up! 11 years ago
Sorry guys; this is all about image versus reality. I used to think that the JLF was fair dinkum until I experienced the reality of project involvement. All projects of which I am aware were badly selected and ineptly managed with disastrous prospects (up to 50% loss of capital). The promotions might meet the requirements of corporate law but…[Read more]
VENTURENT replied to the topic Custodian Wealth Builders in the forum General Property 11 years ago
Well expressed, John 1970. It all looks and sounds great…….until you do the due diligence (which I failed, in part). Sound advice in 'Seven Steps to Wisdom' but it stops there. These guys are sharks and happily consume any funding directed their way. The worst aspect of their operations is the property syndicate investment 'opportunity'. …[Read more]
VENTURENT replied to the topic OPINIONS PLEASE – CUSTODIAN WEALTH BUILDERS …NEW OR OLD??? in the forum Help Needed! 11 years ago
'Ram' made a valid observation in that Custodian WealthBuilders (JLF) does provide OK training and advice in relation to developing a property portfolio. Then again, so does the Investors Club. As for cash investments in property syndicates and purchasing of JLF housing stock, RUN LIKE HELL! I am one of hundreds of 'shareholders' who would love…[Read more]
VENTURENT replied to the topic Govt calls to stop property spruikers in the forum Heads Up! 11 years ago
Danny, obviously nothing eventuated because, in 2014, there is still no recourse available to victims of spruiker activity. My 2013 letter to the Qld Attorney General on this subject still remains unanswered. So much for regulatory legislation!!
VENTURENT replied to the topic List of Property Spruikers in the forum General Property 11 years ago
Re my post about Custodian Land syndicates (spruikers): While engaged in disputation with the CEO about unauthorised retention of capital beyond the understood investment term, arrogant treatment of investors plus failure to respond to requests for project information; the most provocative statement made by the Custodian representative was "We…[Read more]
VENTURENT replied to the topic List of Property Spruikers in the forum General Property 11 years ago
G'day Henry and others; I certainly don't have a list but I can comment on two Queensland companies. I personally own four investment properties but foolishly invested cash in a property syndicate to 'spread the eggs'. Worst idea ever! To the best of my knowledge, both The Investors Club and Custodian Wealth Builders provide sound investment…[Read more]