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  • Vaslav replied to the topic Property Investing Chat Room in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years, 1 month ago

    hi people,

    hmm why not we have a Chat Room in IRC (AUsnet Server? ) whoever that’s in there can log in and hopefully someone’s there :P


    how does that sounds?


  • Vaslav replied to the topic Melbourne-InvestmentExpo in the forum Heads Up! 21 years, 2 months ago

    where;s the expo and how much is the entrance cost? i’ve just got back to Melbourne yesterday… would love to go too :)

  • Vaslav replied to the topic Wrapping mates & the commercial unaware ? in the forum General Property 21 years, 2 months ago

    hi Andy, i like your ideology.. makes sense when put in such way.

    i think in order to do a good wrap, the wrappor and wrapee has to know a lot about the deal they’re getting into and there’s definitely no clear cut in that.

    if the wrapee is able to obtain a loan from the banks, then there wouldn’t be an issue for them to do a wrap deal, so…[Read more]

  • Vaslav replied to the topic Mentoring Question for Steve in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years, 2 months ago

    hey enjolady,

    WOo HOo.. i’ll be seeing u there then??



    P/s how much does an enjo glove cost?

  • Vaslav replied to the topic Stuck at 2 – damn it in the forum No Subject 21 years, 2 months ago

    i have to agree with enjolady here that the first 2 units really do sounds like a good cashflow properties. is the 3rd properties financed by the equity from the first 2 properties?

    by the way, what’s PPOR? i knew someone told me once but it just slip my mind again.



  • Vaslav replied to the topic Mentoring Question for Steve in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years, 2 months ago

    Hey EnjoLady,

    so does that means i would have the chance to see you at the seminar or would u be partying elsewhere as it’s your birthday? Wouldn’t it be a great birthday present to gain some invalubale knowledge on property investing? that would be awesome :P

    Btw, is the enjo glove really really good? would love to try one too :P


  • Vaslav replied to the topic Mentoring Question for Steve in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years, 2 months ago

    I will be attending Steve’s Nov seminar in Melbourne. Enjolady, are you going for that too?



  • Vaslav replied to the topic hubby say “Can’t …can’t…can’t” in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years, 2 months ago




    Hey Aafreen,

    try WestBank, they might be able to help. i’m based in Melbourne too, also currently going thru loan options.


  • Vaslav replied to the topic I cant get a loan please somebody help me!! in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years, 2 months ago

    Dear Kristine,

    First of all, DOn’t Give Up. I am encountering some Mortgage problem too at the moment.

    My dad and I ( both Non-australian resident ) just recently bought a land at Sanctuary Lakes for 184000 and am trying to apply for a Loan ( either a max of 70% or 80% whichever is the max without having to obtain a mortgage insurance )

    Did…[Read more]

  • Vaslav replied to the topic +ve gearing vs +ve cash flow in the forum General Property 21 years, 2 months ago

    sounds very dangerous

    Ive read some posts here about people getting done over by managed apartments.

    i went in skeptical, came out the same [8D]

    does sounds unconvincing really..


  • Vaslav replied to the topic +ve gearing vs +ve cash flow in the forum General Property 21 years, 2 months ago


    that’s precisely what i thought, it doesn’t seems rewarding to engage in such properties. so he’s not wrong to mention that you could do that? ok, now i get it, at least he’s not trying to glaze over the facts :P

    but the properties they’re into are mostly apartments that’s leased out for developer management, that is then rented out. and…[Read more]

  • Vaslav replied to the topic +ve gearing vs +ve cash flow in the forum No Subject 21 years, 2 months ago

    Dear all,

    i’ve seen this guy at the Melbourne INvestor Corp at Glen Iris yesterday.. he didn’t try selling me properties, but i find that his property are genrally positive geared bu cashflow neutral or even negative.

    But i’ve learnt something interesting. He was telling me that you could claim tax deductions even though your rental income is…[Read more]

  • Vaslav replied to the topic Property Investing – as a career in the forum No Subject 21 years, 3 months ago


    We are seriously thinking of listing our home on the oversees market (not sure yet as to how I go about this). Reason I say this is because I believe our home would cater for an Asian Market. We feel that if the interest rates hike up then we may find it difficult to find the right buyer for our house.

    Dear Finnie, i’m afraid…[Read more]

  • Vaslav replied to the topic Bothwell, (Tas) Boinka, Ouyen, Marnoo (Vic) in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 3 months ago

    Dear Westan, thanks for the reply. Yeah i do agree the western suburb seems quite on the boom at the moment. in regards to your information of new industry creating announcement, is there any specific sites or media that i could look up in regards to those type of information? or do u just have to rely on The Age business or Herald sun business…[Read more]

  • Vaslav replied to the topic Bothwell, (Tas) Boinka, Ouyen, Marnoo (Vic) in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 3 months ago


    what’s in your opinion are high on your list for potential positive IP generating towns in victoria? would love to know of your views on this.


  • Vaslav replied to the topic Front cover of book? Is it Perth or Melbourne? in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 3 months ago

    [;)]it certainly ain’t melbourne and it doesn’t looks like sydney too.. not sure about PErth but i think it might be Perth, considering i somewhat had a glimpse of the skyline at the back of my head now, from my last visit there 10 yrs back.. well.. not Melbourne that’s for sure, as i see the melbourne skyline everyday and it doesn’t looks like that [;)]


  • Vaslav replied to the topic Cashflow Game? in the forum No Subject 21 years, 3 months ago

    hey.. which cashflow game ? the one by Robert Kiyosaki? i’m in melbourne too, would love to play as well if time permits :P


  • Vaslav replied to the topic So we have found some property in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 3 months ago

    What’s ur 11 seconds rule Westan? mind sharing with us all? generally snakey, i think i would prefer having being able to view the property on my own, although for ur case, the distance is quite a fair bit. but worth looking before buying as you’re investing some sum of money. kev

  • Vaslav replied to the topic HOw does one calculate inflations? in the forum No Subject 21 years, 3 months ago

    Hi Stuart,

    Thanks for the info. however the price doesn’t correlate with Steve’s calculated figure of 144550 though. was there a mistake in Steve’s calculation? coz by applying ur formula, i manage to reach the same numbers as you Stuart.

    thanks Kev

  • Vaslav replied to the topic What’s your profession? in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 3 months ago

    HI all,

    i’m a newbie, just bought Steve McKnight book yesterday from Borders and Love it to beats!!! can’t keep it down.. it felts like being in a great enjoyable lecture with him being my mentor, sharing his story to Success…

    anyway.. i’m an uni student, bound to graduate end of next year, where i will try applying for PR and live in this…[Read more]


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