Me too – I assume exit fees are a problem because either a) you want to do a quick buy and sell or alternatively pay the loan out in full within a couple of years? (If not, what is the problem?) Or 2) You have only been looking at discounted cheap loans – which of course with the time and effort lenders and or brokers have to go to to actually process a loan and get it established at a much cheaper rate than the banks, surely you can see why they don't want you to 'use them' and walk after 6 mths. Most standard variable rate loans only have a token exit fee. Maybe that is what you are after? What are you aiming to achieve with your loan? That makes a big difference to the whole scenario. Food for thought. All the best. AND…welcome to the forum!!!!
I believe about 1 in 5 people fix their loans at the moment, which is close to a record high. I can understand a first homebuyer or someone making a large purchase on an owner occupied home right now fixing – for an IP though most of the reasons already stated may point to variable as a more suitable option for some – depends on your plans. I almost changed out of a fixed loan a while back when I had the opportunity on a 'buy and hold CF neutral type property – chose not to, and it is still at 6.65 % for another couple of years – beats 7.49 with a monthly fee and 8.07 as the banks two other variable loan options. ! As a sidepoint, a lot of good lenders will now allow you to pay extra off a fixed interest loan at no cost or penalty, (for example up to $10,000 annually) but obviously if you are planning to sell or access equity (if you have any) before the fixed loan term expires, you will pay $$$$$$$ to get out early. All the best.
Anytime right up until they are actually exchanged. So basically, 'due dilligence' done before contracts are exchanged can be an expensive excercise if the property is sold to someone else meanwhile, even if your verbal offer has already been accepted, or if the agent thinks they can screw more out of you now. And sometimes vendors / their realestate agents / solicitors put pressure on the buyers to waive the short cooling off period that they are entitled too after exchange for various reasons, meaning when else can you really get all your checks etc done? Daunting prospect in an 'up ' market. ! I once had a couple doing inspections etc on a house while someone else was still in the process of confirming another offer to us, and as a seller it made me feel uncomfortable……and it was'nt my money. SO basically, regardless of clauses and conditions, in NSW you can be gazumped anytime up unitl the contracts have been exchanged.
hi. I have no experience as such with them. But if the lowest rates are your first concern, I imagine you may feel like many who just scour the internet for the cheapest rate and don't care who it is from – if so they may be your cup of tea. Alternatively you may prefer to pay a slightly higher rate to go with a better known lender that has branch presence, or ready phone access. I know many people who have chosen to go with lenders that for example are owned by or have association with a bank, offer cheaper interest rates but have no presence, or in fact customer service at all other than if you are able to contact one of their 'junior' staff on the phone . A good broker will be worthwhile if you are in property for the long term, and should offer you assistance with structuring your loan correctly, showing you long term options and ways you can use loan splits etc and oeven how something like direct salary crediting may suit you, and save you $$$ in real terms. The loan product offered may have a slightly higher interest rate – but will truly save you money long term if used correctly over a basic cheapy loan. It is really up to you. All the best with what you decide. …..
Hi Guys. MGIC is the name you are looking for I believe. Hopefully Genworth will wake up to themselves now…….The competition and hopefully more flexibility from a new major player will be welcomed.
Yes, it is a pathetic system in NSW. Many people use the cooling off period after contracts exchange to organise inspections etc, which of course does not leave much time. And you could spent a ton before getting all your due dilligence done, and then it gets sold to someone else. A lot of it is due to the large percentage of shonky real estate agents too, but one of the better ways to minimize an agent peeing in the vendors pocket and telling them to 'accept' other buyers offers is to be confident in your discussions that you have finance preapproved (which I would recommend anyway in NSW) and come across as a genuine and confident buyer. That will minimise you being 'gazumped'. All the best. Why not buy in Vic, SA or Tassie as a sidepoint?
Hi Shanshan. Sounds like a plan. There are quite a few on this forum that will be able to give you the guff on Adelaide, but if you can get into the market now, and have rent cover a good chunk of your payments, that is what it is all about. Adelaide does not sound like it is going backwards, in fact long term many feel it is great buying. As for the time to buy, you may have heard the phrase ' The best time to buy is now and 10 years ago……' Gives you something to think about. Don't rush into it, but don't over analyze either. Hey, all the best with your property.
Hi Stera. Sounds like an exciting time for you both – congratulations. If I had only one thing to say to someone it would be this very important point – (fact actually) The cheapest interest rate is not necessarily the best loan. You have obviously worked very hard to save and get in the position you have, so who is to say what you may plan to do in the next few years? A loan product that has no monthly fees, allows for you to 'split' it into a few different parts (ie, one as fixed interest, one as variable, and one as a Line of credit to use down the track for other investment purposes – Example only!!!!!) and perhaps allows you to direct salary credit may be what you need. You will find down the track you will be able to use your home to perhaps fund other personal and or investment expenses down the track so flexibility is important in this scenario. Enjoy your new home – all the best.
Hi Banger 68. COngratulatins on a nice portfolio. As Simon has indicated, a lo or no doc style loan will be what you will need. Of course, you need to make sure that it will not put you in financial difficulty. Sounds like your next property would be good to have it as close to cash flow neutral as you can if this is the case, and make it count…… All the best with your next one!
Hi pyscho (!) 10k for a new kitchen? And still whingey? Couple of things – with out a doubt, when your lease expires do not offer to renew. Get rid of them as soon as you can, and not a moment later. There are indeed tons of nice families queing up tio rent a nice property. And the 8 to 11% a property manager will charge you will genuinely save you a heap of heartache and anxiety if they do their job half properly. Get one. Sounds like a nice house, but honestly, it sounds like your tennant will need to move somewhere else before they appreciate what they had. I think that picture of the cow tells us what you're going to do now does'nt it? all the best.
Sorry Suffragette, but unless it is a pretty special property, this simply means you are paying too much. If you feel the incomplete renevation is the problem, is it possible to extend the contract date, and then get another val done when all the work is finished? Will your friend sell 'as is' now without finsihing the work at the price the val came in at? A few options – if a friend, you would hope they would understand eh? All the best. Incidently, how much deposit did you pay? Might be cheaper to walk away if you cannot either of these ideas or any of the others to work out. Hey, all the best though……
And the absolute terrifying scenario is for someone who gets sucked into one of these loans, and lets it run for its 25 year term. Just do the sums and you will see what the poor cows will be up for then. I wonder how some banks (and brokers) sleep at night…..
Good on you for planning ahead. However make sure before you sell up you think of the following little sentance – 'Its hard to arrive at your destination unless you know where you are going'. If that is all taken care of, I don't know about high rise apartments, but good old 'Unzud' does seem to have steady growth, and the biggest advantage of course is NO STAMP DUTY! (Just calculate stamp duty on 1.8 mill of property in Aust and you will see what I mean) You would have to have the property capital value increase by a much larger percentage here than in NZ to make up for the usual tens of thousands of dollars the government rapes form both home buyers and investors in stamp duty. Don't rush into anything, but your idea sounds good. All the best with your journey.
Baaaaa. yeah, but people still go with them for whatever reason. Could tell you some interesting stories about people refinancing or selling the security properity they have with r r r rams. Glad you got things sorted in the end.
Looks like we all miss this feature, but explain it a bit differently. What do you reckon Steve? Can you give us back that Active Forum search option, with posts since last visit, and show who has posted? Could be perfecto with that done (almost!)
Hi Stayfly. Good on you. Has your ma ever owned a house at all? If not, the first home owners grant will make the whole process easier, if not, so much money is gobbled up in stampduty. As has already been pointed out, you will have very little chance of getting a competitive loan for a property like you have mentioned. A larger unit, of 45sqm plus is a different kettle of fish, and I am guessing you will need to borrow as much of the property price as you can. Many lenders offer 100% finance for owner occupied property, and if your mum has no other committments, will likely be able to borrow up to $280,000 give or take $10k or so on her wage. Then, you will just have to pay stamp duty and mortgage insurance, which is part of life on loans that have borrowings of more than 80%. With your input and a bit of searching for a value property like this, buying right, I can see your mum in her new home too this year! All the best.
FHOG is a great provision for first home owners – not investors. (and there are plenty trying to rort the system) However that said, scanario A – You must move into your home and live in it for a period 6 consecutive months within the first 12 months of purchase price. (generally -depends on state – some where 6 mths) Sceanario B If it was an unofficial arrangement for board, it is between you and the boarder only, if you are not claiming deductions and declaring rental income etc, and of course you would have no lease etc. (Such as someone living with you and giving you a donation towards expenses etc) All the details ar very clear at the following site, and you can then search state specific. All the best with your new home.
Xenia – Hey, it must be contagious, as I have gone from around 180 down to 82 or something. I'm guessing there is something built into the software that automatically deletes any posts where the 'postee' has consumed alcohol first (although that would put me down around the 4 mark …seriously, teething probs I imagine.
Now – Latinoz, you MUST make sure you advise them in writing that you wish to 'terminate' the exclusive part of the agreement. Put it nicely if you intend to keep them also. Check out your contract – it is written clearly on the front page. Hope you sell it…..
Not a lot at this point. The 'active topics since last visit' option appears to have gone awol, plus I have been 'demoted' to around half of my forum posts. I bet Terry has had them added onto his………Still, sometimes I don't feel very important anyway …..It is a bit harder to navigate, but I guess we'll see how used to it we get. Can always go elswhere I guess….