US Property Invest replied to the topic anyone bought property from US Property Sales Australia in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years ago
I disagree with Andrew 191919 Yes the internet is a wonderful tool and yes you do not necessarily have to go the States to secure a good deal, but real estate is not the same world over, and buying something off the internet is fraught with more pitfalls than I could list here.Even going to States for a couple of week to do nothing but look at…[Read more]
US Property Invest replied to the topic U.S. Bank Accts…..Help in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago
Hi,Yes, we can and do set up bank accounts including a debit / credit card and checking facilities linked to that account without our clients needing to travel to the States. It is with one of the major US Banks, however we can only do this because of the relationship that we have formed with that bank over a long period of time. However, c…[Read more]
US Property Invest replied to the topic quit claiming into LLC in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago
You shouldn't need title insurance if you are transferring from your own name into an LLC that is owned by you.Quit Claim is simple, should not even need a notary if you use the right attorney who knows what they are doing. Cost is also only around $150 in total.<moderator: delete advertising>Did you buy the property yourself or through a broker…[Read more]
US Property Invest replied to the topic 21st Century USA Property Direct in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago
Getting back to the original question on 10 year rental guarantees. I would like to see the fine print. Really the best genuine guarantee I have seen is a 12 month Seller's guarantee, where something has been put into an escrow account, or even more straight forward a Section 8 tenant at the beginning of their 12 month lease. Now that is mo…[Read more]
US Property Invest replied to the topic USA – Where to buy? in the forum Krefter, I can help with 14 years ago
Krefter, I can help with your SMSF situation, or at the very least put you on to someone, an accountancy expert in both Australian and US matters, that can help you through the taxation queries you have. Contact me through my website.Apart from this I am in full agreement with HighIncomeProperty and the comments posted at 12.10 am on Aug 11. G…[Read more]
US Property Invest replied to the topic Anyone bought Atlanta properties using Top Rental Returns? in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago
I suggest not buying anything unless it is already fully rehabbed, has a defect warranty attached that will cover you against any and all maintenance or defect issue for a 3 or 6 month period after purchase with no excess amount, AND has a 12 month tenant already in place. If it is not tenanted then write into the contract that settlement will…[Read more]
US Property Invest replied to the topic US property Search in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago
Are you looking to buy and do your own research? Buy property in the US can be fraught with many pitfalls and much frustration on the legals, compliance and management etc if you don't know your way around the US property market and the US system. Are you going over there yourself to buy? Robwww.uspropertyinvest .com
US Property Invest replied to the topic USA – Where to buy? in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago
Hi all, firstly I must advise that I have a vested interest in posting on this forum as US Property Invest sources and consults on properties for Australian investors looking to invest in the US market. So where to buy? An extremely important question, and there is so much information out there that it can, as one poster put it "make your he…[Read more]