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  • Profile photo of underdogunderdog
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 4

    Thanks for the positive feed back JO :)

    Profile photo of underdogunderdog
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 4

    Thanks for taking time to reply , i will deff take your advice on board.


    Profile photo of underdogunderdog
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 4

    Thanks for the reply Steve i was actually surprised to hear from you, so much appreciated, i purchased a property with my gf last year 12 km outside Melbourne in west Preston we have rented it out for $230 a week with all the agents fee’s aside we still have to put in $1000 a month for the bank loan which is $300 000, unfortunately i have a expensive taste for cars and other things so i am stuck in a cycle of working and spending , i pay all my bills so i am never behind on credit card or other bills and we do manage to save around $1000 a month, but as i am 26 i don’t really want to work hard and someone else like my employee to rip the rewards , so i will definitely purchase your new book and hopefully get some runs on the board and get a few properties under my belt, people like yourself inspire me and its really good to see even though with all your success you are still humble , keep it up Steve.

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