Tzaki replied to the topic Landlord Insurance Cover in the forum No Subject 20 years ago
Nope, no advice, you are doing the right thing having landlords insurance!!
A coupls of my wife’s friends have had IP without landlords insurance and it has bitten them on the b-m big time.
While we have yet to see an occasion that sees us claim landlords insurance in a significant way (a couple of windows replaced etc.) it would probably seem…[Read more]
Tzaki replied to the topic CRIN Property vs shares debate Saturday 14 May in the forum Heads Up! 20 years ago
CRIN – Canberra Region Investor’s Network
Steve Kerr
Opportunity knocks softly, listen carefully!
Tzaki replied to the topic Real estate agent games in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
What a load of B******t!
ALWAYS have a subject to building and pest inspection as well as a sunbject to finance clause in the contract! And they should aways specify that the conditions must be acceptable to you – otherwise if you just say “subject to finance” then they could provide you the finance… at like 30%pa and you could be bound by it.…[Read more]
Tzaki replied to the topic Name the BACKPACKERS in the forum No Subject 20 years ago
Hmmm, how about a play one the place name, like “The rota-Rooter Inn” [blink][blush2]
Steve Kerr
Opportunity knocks softly, listen carefully!
Tzaki replied to the topic Glbn Groups, Clubs, Mentors, Seminars in the forum No Subject 20 years ago
Dear Golburnites,
In Canberra we have recently formalised a social group called the Canberra Region Investor’s Network. We get together and talk about investing etc. We are mainly from a property base, but also look at other forms of investing as well. If you want to keep up to date please email Ed Nixon (Loans Approved) on…[Read more]
Tzaki replied to the topic classification of duplex/villas in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
Villas & Townhouses(on strata title) are generally classified as “Units” for statistical purposes and are reported as such in API etc. Duplexes can be more tricky depending on wheather they have seperate title or not.
This has been my experience to date, please feel free to advise if your experience is otherwise.
Steve Kerr
Opportunity…[Read more]
Tzaki replied to the topic Unusual circumstances in the forum No Subject 20 years ago
I recently got a 6.99% rate for no doc loan through RAMS, but my circumstances are a little different from yours, ask your mortgage broker to investigate options for you.
There is a JV wrapper in Newcastle who has an associated financier who does a fully disclosed wrap finance deal, I got to him from this saite omewhere… I forget where now, do…[Read more]
Tzaki replied to the topic Confession time in the forum No Subject 20 years ago
Hmm well I just bought a new Honda Jazz (through the company.. of course!) for $22k as the Lantra was making expesive smells… like head gasket/broken head smells! (NEVER liked it much anyways…). Can’t really justify the expense but we keep cars untill they die so will probably have this one until some alternate fuel systems come on the market…[Read more]
Tzaki replied to the topic Deals of late. in the forum No Subject 20 years ago
About to echange on my first JV wrap. Bought for $137k, onsold for $179k with a 2% interest rate margin. Cashflow to offset other properties!!!!!
Steve Kerr
Opportunity knocks softly, listen carefully!
Tzaki replied to the topic ATTITUDE in the forum General Property 21 years ago
I think that you have tapped into a source of some angst for folks, the adjustment to sucess and the changes it produces.. in attitude of self and others. This is why many of the “gurus” have life coaches as part of the support services that they can offer. Part of it is change management and part is accepting the changes that it produces in…[Read more]
Tzaki replied to the topic When to take out insurance on IP ? in the forum General Property 21 years ago
Insure from the date of settlement. You will need different insurance depending on the type of property, consult an insurance agent. Generally you will need landlord’s insurance as a minimum, then if it is a single house, property insurance as well, in addition; if you furnish the property then isure that too. If it is in a body corp, then the…[Read more]
Tzaki replied to the topic Canberra property investors in the forum No Subject 21 years ago
Originally posted by Aceyducey:
Note this is a group organised by volunteers (who are investors) for property investors – it’s not like Wise or other groups organised to sell you something.We’re a very social group & always welcome new people.
If you want to be on the mailing list for events contact Ed Nixon (
Either…[Read more]
Tzaki replied to the topic Canberra property investors in the forum No Subject 21 years ago
OK we got some goers!
Now.. where to meet? Suggestions anyone?
Time and date as well? Suggestions please.
Steve Kerr
Opportunity knocks softly, listen carefully!
Tzaki replied to the topic What I Didnt Learn at School, But Wished i Had? in the forum Opinionated! 21 years ago
Welcome Matt, have fun in the forum!
I believe that the oportunity to learn investing skills should be offered, not a compulsory subject which I hated doing and generally forgot as they had little practical everyday application.. I have never used calculus in real life!
That way those who had an interest could learn about the subject and meet…[Read more]
Tzaki replied to the topic What I Didnt Learn at School, But Wished i Had? in the forum No Subject 21 years ago
Definately something on how to nivest/analyse deals etc.. even if it was just playing casflow 101
Steve Kerr
Opportunity knocks softly, listen carefully!
Tzaki replied to the topic Universal truths in the forum Forum Frolic 21 years ago
Originally posted by Shushar:
26) No one knows the origins of their metal coat hangers.Nu-Uh Garfield knows this one! Scene one Garfield and empty cubboard. Scene 2 Garfield trows 2 coathangers into cupboard, closes door. Scene 3 Garfield opens cuboard to reveal… a cupboard full of coathangers!!
Yep they BREED!
Steve Kerr
Opportunity…[Read more]
Tzaki replied to the topic Who likes spiders? in the forum Forum Frolic 21 years ago
Originally posted by Rugbyfan:
I think there are a few that are more deadly than the Red Belly.The King Brown gives about 15 minutes before your heart stops, then there is the Death Adder, Taipan, Copperhead. I think they are all worse that the Red Belly.
There is one snake though which is not deadly to humans because I think it is either too…[Read more]
Tzaki replied to the topic English – Hey Scremin in the forum No Subject 21 years ago
add in the fact that some words have different meaning but are spelled or sound the same.. such as “well” as in “are you well?” (state of health), “well??” (inquiry meaning get on with it, finnish what you were saying) and “drawing water from the well” (a hole in the ground full of water).
Blue and blew!
No wonder English is a second…[Read more]
Tzaki replied to the topic Statistics Geo & Chan$! in the forum Forum Frolic 21 years ago
Originally posted by geo:
nah not 400…theres not that many things to reply to…hehhehe…need new tactics…any ideas???[blink]“If You never never ask, you’ll never never know”
Hmmm, Start frivolous threads?? [confused2][evil4]
Reply to your own posts!!![grad] Oh.. wait that would mean you were talking to yourself.. the first sign of…[Read more]
Tzaki replied to the topic Stary Eyed in the forum No Subject 21 years ago
Hmmm Chan$,
$5million for 3 stars… you got a JV development in mind???
Steve Kerr
Opportunity knocks softly, listen carefully!
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