Tyrrell Mitchell replied to the topic re:kambalda wa in the forum No Subject 18 years, 9 months ago
What a sad sack you are Derek! If you have nothing constructive to say, say nothing at all. People don’t need you putting them or there ideas down. Leave Mikey P to his celebration. And if you are not interested in Kambalda, go to another Forum!
Tyrrell Mitchell replied to the topic re:kambalda wa in the forum General Property 18 years, 10 months ago
Hi, Tracy Ds friend here with the empty house in Kambalda! Not to concerned about the vacancy at this stage based on the following.
Two large mine expansions are in progress in Kambalda at present. Goldfields Gold are employing people at a huge rate. Consolidated Minerals advertised in Saturdays West Australian Newspaper. Apparently between…[Read more]