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  • TrumpMan replied to the topic Tiling over the top of existing tiles? in the forum Value Adding 16 years, 7 months ago

    There is a product called  Kemcrete made by dribond chemicals. Its about $50 for 5 litres. You mix the milky PVA solution with cement and roughly brush it on and let it dry. My advice is see a specialist tiling supplier. There are some in Sydney that supply the tools and mixes to tilers.  If I were you I would rip all the tiles up cause that way y…[Read more]

  • TrumpMan replied to the topic Unit Reno’s in the forum Value Adding 16 years, 7 months ago

    I would only use commercial type carpets and fittings. Don't use that flimsy Bunnings cheap junk. Remembers renters will never care as much about the place as you the owner will. Go to an auction to get all the general stufff. Retailers like Bunnings ('we never have sales', Harvey Norman ('Hardly Normal prices') are all rip offs!!!! You HAVE TO…[Read more]

  • TrumpMan replied to the topic Converting Laundry to 2nd Bathroom in Unit – Worth it? in the forum Value Adding 16 years, 7 months ago

    With all the water restrictions and limitations etc. having two showers in two seperate bathrooms would be best. Kids in units is a crime worth flogging. Kids should be in (large) backyards not watching TV in an appartment approx floor area 90sqr M. The area where the property is mainly middle to retired aged. I personally dont use baths more than…[Read more]


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