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  • trish01 replied to the topic Renting out a shed in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago

    Thanks duckster, I will be looking into those sites.

  • trish01 replied to the topic What do I do with Council Bully? in the forum I spoke with local member 17 years ago

    I spoke with local member yesterday who said it was ridiculous and that she would look into it.  She had a similar problem a couple of years ago when a state dept tried to take land off another caryard just incase the road needed widening ( which it didn't)!  She said it took about a year before the dept left it alone.

  • trish01 replied to the topic Body corporate meeting in a few hours in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago

    Let them know if there is something you are not happy with, such as the lawns, and there will probably be others who agree with you and together you can ensure something is done about it.  The first body corporate meeting I attended I was the mediator between two feuding owners who would not agree on an issue.  I got them to see the issue from t…[Read more]

  • trish01 replied to the topic What do I do with Council Bully? in the forum Thanks Simon,  I plan to 17 years ago

    Thanks Simon,  I plan to talk with local member tomorrow.

  • trish01 replied to the topic Help with late paying tenant in the forum No Subject 18 years ago

    Hi Wylie,

    I will definately start documenting everything just in case!

  • trish01 replied to the topic Help with late paying tenant in the forum No Subject 18 years ago

    Hi everyone,

    I have phoned the RTA and yes if tenant has not paid any rent by this Friday she will have been living there for 7 days without paying rent and this is when I can issue her with a notice to remedy breach. So hopefully she will come up with some sort of payment plan this week..

  • trish01 replied to the topic Help with late paying tenant in the forum No Subject 18 years ago

    Thanks for your help. The RTA website states that when tenant is 7 days in arrears you can give them a Notice to Remedy Breach. What is not clear though is whether this means after 7 days of rent in advance not being paid or whether it means 7 days of living there rent free.

  • trish01 replied to the topic Help with late paying tenant in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    Hi Terry,

    Property is in Qld

  • trish01 replied to the topic Trusts or not to Trust in the forum Legal & Accounting 19 years ago

    Does anyone know if you sign a contract in your own name and then decide to organise a trust, can you buy the property in the trust and modify the contract?

  • trish01 replied to the topic logan in the forum Opinionated! 19 years ago

    Hi Melicia,

    I live in Bethania which is actually in the Gold Coast shire and not Logan. There is some public housing here but it is basically a nice area bordered by the Logan river, with some really nice properties, especially on the river.


  • trish01 replied to the topic AIRBUS 380 !! in the forum Forum Frolic 19 years ago

    I didn’t see the documentary but I did go past the airbus as my smaller plane went down the runway. I don’t know what all the fuss is about -it’s just a plane but bigger!

  • trish01 replied to the topic What’s your occupation ?? in the forum No Subject 19 years ago

    Hi everyone,

    I enjoyed reading about all the interesting backgrounds people on this forum come from. I am a Social Worker and work with pregnant and parenting young people. I love my job so am not ready to give it up yet but also have an interest in real estate investing.

