TricKyOO7 replied to the topic Investment Newbie in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
We have come across an oppurtunity to secure a tenant on a 5 year lease, if we purchase a property in a specifc area which is worth just under a million, the purchase of the property would result in it being posistive geared even with a P&I loan. If the growth in the area is not predicited to rise significantly is it worth trying to "pump the cas…[Read more]
TricKyOO7 replied to the topic Investment Newbie in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
Thanks for the reply Lalibella,We are looking to expand quickly and with our current work situation , we are on a fly in fly out roster so there is always someone on break that can do research, and this will speed up the process compared if we were to do it individually, we have an exit stratergy of 9 properties within 3 years and when this is a…[Read more]