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  • My company has been supplying properties from the Phoenix market to Australian agents for the last 18 months, nearly 150 in all. We have worked with most of the agents mentioned in this thread.

    We stopped doing business with one agent who did not tell us he had changed his fee from a flat charge to a substantial percentage of the total purchase…[Read more]

  • Trentjr replied to the topic U.S. Bank Accts…..Help in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago

    Hi MJ,
    the email address below is good.

  • Trentjr replied to the topic U.S. Bank Accts…..Help in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago

    Good news!
    Our first test case in establishing a bank account for one of our Australian clients was successful. He did not have to travel to the US. I’d be happy to help, it is a fairly simple process. We do not charge, or receive a referral fee, to assist in setting up the account.

  • Trentjr replied to the topic U.S. Bank Accts…..Help in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago

    Hi, we have gotten approval from a bank here in the US to establish bank accounts for our Australian investors without them having to travel here. We are running our one of our clients through the process now to iron out any kinks in the system. If all goes I will post the news here and would be happy to assist. <moderator: delete advertising>…[Read more]

  • Trentjr replied to the topic USA – Where to buy? in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago

    The Phoenix market has been heating up throughout the summer, yes pun is intended. The investor market is very active with wholesale prices up about $15K since the first of the year. Retail prices remain flat as yet, but it does look as if we have hit the bottom of the market. Available inventory is the lowest in years and sales each month are at…[Read more]

  • Trentjr replied to the topic USA Landlord Experiences so far. in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago

    I agree that is is difficult to find a property management company that is good in all areas. It helps to have a direct relationship with a US agent who can rattle a few cages when necessary and look out for your interests. In Phoenix the vacancy rate is down to 5% with particular focus on single family homes.

  • Trentjr replied to the topic quit claiming into LLC in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago

    You may want to consider a Warranty Deed as opposed to a Quitclaim. The Warranty Deed should prevent having to purchase new title insurance.
