Touche replied to the topic Where is the soundest state/county to invest in America? in the forum Overseas Deals 15 years ago
I have a lot of relatives in Ohio & LA. I'm trying to find out as much as I possibly can about the location and planning to visit them around next school holiday. I will also try to have all my finance ready before I go. My cousin seem to like the idea of me investing property there and he is quite willing to do business with me.I don't qu…[Read more]
Touche replied to the topic Questions suggestion to ask Accountant in the forum Legal & Accounting 15 years ago
Mr5o1 wrote:
Terryw wrote:
Ask if he thinks you should use a trust, and if so which type of trust.Then ask for his reasons why you should or shouldn't use one.couldn't agree more… but just to add to that, before you go ahead and decide to create a trust and purchase an IP with it, talk to your accountant about the ramifications of the…[Read more]
Touche replied to the topic Questions suggestion to ask Accountant in the forum Legal & Accounting 15 years ago
Terryw wrote:
Ask if he thinks you should use a trust, and if so which type of trust.Then ask for his reasons why you should or shouldn't use one.Thanks for the suggestions Terry. I've seen an Accountant from C & N, he suggested that I should use a trust (Hybrid trust) for asset protection purposes.I've spoke to my Accountant who is not…[Read more]
Touche replied to the topic chances on getting finance? in the forum Finance 15 years ago
HiTry this broker, I have done a few loans with him and still is going through with him now. I find him really helpful. I gave my senario to other brokers and they can't do (i.e. approve the loan) except this guy. His name is James & his number is 9803 3040 his mobile 0403 466 486.Good luck.Tina
Touche replied to the topic Chan & Naylor Accountants – Reviews? in the forum Legal & Accounting 15 years ago
HiI attended a free seminar held by Guests Accounting early this week regarding the latest changes to trusts and find it quite useful. I'm going to have a free consultation with one of their Accountants next week.You might want to do the same. I've seen C & N but I want a second opinion and that is why I am seeing this Accountant.