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  • torrente replied to the topic Brick interior walls in the forum Value Adding 14 years ago

    I recently bagged walls in my lounge room and it turned out great, I have huge deep motor cracks and took a lot to fill but wanted to maintain that brick wall look. I ended up adding sand as the standard bag mixture was too runny. I hope to paint it in the next week or so. I thought of dry wall but then had the issue of blending it with a…[Read more]

  • torrente replied to the topic Painting vermiculite ceiling in the forum Value Adding 14 years ago

    I'm about to attempt the same task luckily I have a few mates who are painter decorators and have tackled this before claiming how much paint it will absorb, not sure they used Durobond paint before but will ask. Luckily I have gutted the place so nothing more than an empty shell with a concrete floor so opting for a quick spray job for ease. Any…[Read more]


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