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  • TONYEV replied to the topic Rabbit Season… No, Duck Season! in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    These times when a rate rise is occuring will many bargains in the market place.
    Speaking from experience I am glad that I made
    the decision to fix my home loan rate.

  • TONYEV replied to the topic Rabbit Season… No, Duck Season! in the forum No Subject 21 years ago


    Call me simple, but I would have thought that property prices coming off record highs would single the start of “buying season” for astute property investors.

    As such, it also marks the end of “seller’s season”, where anything vaugely called a property increased in value.

    I expect that I’ll buy more property in a down time than in a…

    [Read more]

  • TONYEV replied to the topic What Would You Do?! in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years, 1 month ago

    I have a Hypothetical that I would like some input on.

    Say you bought a 2 bedroom, 1 bath, LUG unit 3 years ago in BNE 6km from the city for $125000

    It has been quietly renting and breaking even once all costs are factored inc. body cop & rates (rents for 210p/w).

    You have recently had the property revalued at $220k and still owe $115 on…

    [Read more]


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