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Tony Burnett

  • Keen is a Professor right……….yet how did he ever think that the federal government was not going to back the banks when Keens first prediction failed……………..i ask again how did Keen ever think the federal government was not going to back the banks????

    If need be the federal government will back the banks again more than…[Read more]

  • All depends if you seriously think the federal government is not going to help the banks.

    Think about why Keens last prediction did not happen.

    Also depends if your talking about Sydney/Melbourne which seems highly over priced, where as the rest of oz seems a fair price.

  • Tony Burnett replied to the topic Nightmare subdivision!! in the forum General Property 8 years ago

    I can also sympathize with you on the frustration levels involved in developing……….Councils are a never ending nightmare to deal with, full of contradictions and incompetence at best, not to and holding stuff up for no good reason except maybe the right person didn’t receive his brown paper bag.

    I have done several sub divisions and found…[Read more]

  • 1.If I have purchase a property with a old house on it for 630,000, yet the land minus the house is worth $600,000 (If the property was valued on land value only by a qualified Valuer), then would property tax depreciation only be done for $30,000?

    2. Would the Quantity Surveyor doing the property tax depreciation schedule only look at what the…[Read more]

  • Tony Burnett replied to the topic Tools for managing IP finances in the forum Legal & Accounting 8 years, 4 months ago

    I use Excel spreadsheets because simply they force you to understand what you are really doing, not to mention you can customize to how you what to visualize your data.

    Excel can pretty much do anything you want, whereas other software cannot.

  • Just wondering which documents really need stamping as opposed to just witnessed by JP.

    Obviously where there is any duty to pay would require stamping, but what about a simple loan agreement, or a simple deed or agreement where there is no duty to pay……..for the document to be valid does it still need to be stamped or is a JP witnessing the…[Read more]

  • Tony Burnett replied to the topic Finding builder who built house. in the forum Legal & Accounting 8 years, 6 months ago

    ok thanks for that

  • Tony Burnett replied to the topic Finding builder who built house. in the forum Legal & Accounting 8 years, 6 months ago

    near most of the houses in area were done by spec builders who got land off developer, so door knocking wont work because the people who brought have no idea who built it.

  • Tony Burnett started the topic Finding builder who built house. in the forum Legal & Accounting 8 years, 6 months ago

    Is there a way of finding out who the builder was if the house was built in the last 5 years?

  • Tony Burnett replied to the topic Using Subsidiary company to hold real estate in the forum Legal & Accounting 8 years, 6 months ago

    Personally I do not care about the 50% discount anymore because it may not be around for that much longer, besides I am sick of using trusts with the ever changing tax rules and whatever else.

    Have been reading up about using a ultimate holding company with subsidiaries today, but its unclear if a liability can exist to the ultimate holding…[Read more]

  • Tony Burnett started the topic Using Subsidiary company to hold real estate in the forum Legal & Accounting 8 years, 6 months ago

    I am just wondering if using subsidiary companies to hold multiply real estate assets is used at all for asset protection, and if its a good idea.

    Example of a possible structure – Main Ultimate holding company shares are own by a trust, and that company has various subsidiary companies which hold separate real estate assets. All accounting and…[Read more]

  • Tony Burnett started the topic Builders / Investor Terms in the forum Finance 8 years, 6 months ago

    Just wondering what are the typical terms in the average builders/investor terms contracts, and where can one find people offering them?

  • Tony Burnett replied to the topic A question on Tax Liabilities in the forum Legal & Accounting 8 years, 7 months ago

    I would sit down and write into the tax office for a ruling if CGT apply, then you have it in writing and can be sure, it will take around 28 days, and the forms are on the ato site somewhere. Make sure you give them the full details.

    Its as simple as that, or you can rely on more “opinions”

    If you can read and write then rulings are not that…[Read more]

  • Tony Burnett replied to the topic A question on Tax Liabilities in the forum Legal & Accounting 8 years, 7 months ago

    I would sit down and write into the tax office for a ruling if CGT apply, then you have it in writing and can be sure, it will take around 28 days, and the forms are on the ato site somewhere. Make sure you give them the full details.

  • I am wondering how can one get asset protection for a property which is owned by a company in which I own all the shares in and am the director of without triggering capital gains tax or stamp duty.

    Transferring the property to a well structured asset protected entity would be the go, but the cost in capital gains would be through the roof, and…[Read more]

  • Tony Burnett replied to the topic Resettlement of Trust – change of Appointor or Trustee in the forum Legal & Accounting 8 years, 7 months ago

    Thanks Terry

    I should of given more info on my question…………my question relates to the standard discretionary trust that’s used by most law firms in the last ten years…….to be more exact the standard discretionary trust from ACIS.

    “But stamp duty can still result depending on the structure.”

    Are you saying stamp duty can be a issue…[Read more]

  • 1. Im just wondering if changing just the Appointor can constitute a resettlement of a Trust?

    2. Im just wondering if changing just the Trustee can constitute a resettlement of a Trust?

  • Tony Burnett replied to the topic Asset Protection & Structures in the forum Legal & Accounting 8 years, 7 months ago

    Hi Terry, you mention that trusts are not the only option, but I always thought they were as good as it gets, could you throw some light on what other options there are?

  • Tony Burnett became a registered member 8 years, 7 months ago

Tony Burnett

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