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  • Todster replied to the topic Bizare mining town FIFO article in the forum Opinionated! 12 years, 8 months ago

    Some people lose sight of why these places are developed in the first place.
    Pluto has fired up so Karrachi should settle down a bit.
    Point Samson is in for a hammering with the big expansion at the Cape.
    I think it’s about 50% truth and about 50% jealousy.
    At least they see their family daily,the best ones go FIFO then rent their PPOR for big…[Read more]

  • Todster replied to the topic Bizare mining town FIFO article in the forum Opinionated! 12 years, 8 months ago

    Easy fixed put them on shorter rosters so they dont get sundays off in town
    Let them do 13 x12 hour shifts and send them home.
    Most do 4×1 on construction have most sunday off and only do 10hour shifts.
    Thats what the project managers want .
    Young blokes cashed up spare time BINGO
    You see short swing are an acommadation nightmare to camps,blokes…[Read more]


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