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  • TK79 replied to the topic My strategy of beginning in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 4 months ago

    hey mate,
    good luck with your plan. Maybe you can save more than $100 a week in a few yrs time as maybe youll have a job that will be paying more. Also youre still young so dont forget to have fun as well, there will be plenty of time later on for paying bills, mortgages, worrying bout money and investments.

  • TK79 replied to the topic Perth BOOM in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 4 months ago

    The way i see it youre in a win win situation [biggrin]. If you sell walk away with a nice profit, if you hold (long-term say 5-10 yrs) youll be fine too, Perth is one of the cities that are predicted to have a huge population growth (KPMG & ABS studies verify this). In the short term i believe the market will crash but it will pick up again maybe…[Read more]

  • TK79 replied to the topic Another great forum for property investors! in the forum Heads Up! 18 years, 4 months ago

    hmmm…..dont mean to be rude but not really that great a forum, only 9 topics overall and not that much participation [tired]

  • TK79 replied to the topic Canberra property investors – thoughts sought in the forum No Subject 18 years, 4 months ago

    I live in Canberra and to be honest youll be very lucky to find +CF property in Qbn. There might be a few units here and there but usually the capital growth is pretty avg. I think its better to invest in SA/WA/NT. To make money in Qbn, either buy a big block and redevelop with some townhouses or buy a bunch of units reno them, strata them and…[Read more]


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