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  • tjc31690 replied to the topic Should I sell or should I hold….. in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 1 month ago

    HI thereI got the exit fee quote in June this year ……$13 000 and I have 2 yrs left.The only way to avoid paying the exit fees is if I bought another property and changed the security of the loan from the investment property to the new property. Even if I wanted to change the payment period, ie: annual to monthly payments the banks would s…[Read more]

  • tjc31690 replied to the topic Should I sell or should I hold….. in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 1 month ago

    HI AllThanx for the comments…..Once I wrote down the problem in black and white, it made more sense and there wouldn't be much advantage in selling and only realising a small "profit". I guess the mistake to avoid is to buy well in the first instance and having a clear investment plan to structure the finance accordingly.RegardsTC  

  • tjc31690 replied to the topic Should I sell or should I hold….. in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 1 month ago

    Hi TerryThanks for the reply…I’m making +-3k-4k cash loss per year however after depreciation and tax I get that back so it’s breaking about even. So I’m not really losing anything at the moment.I think the capital growth is probably driven by the 1st home buyers grant and listening to commentary it looks like that market will correct next year. T…[Read more]


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