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  • tinydancer09 replied to the topic Rental Yield – How does borrowing affect it? in the forum Finance 15 years, 3 months ago

    Thanks, now I understand that there is a difference between yield and profit. I have two more queries:1.What would you consider a good yield?And2. If the property cost 104k, is now valued at 90k, has outstanding mortgage of 60k (borrowed at 4.9%), with gross rental income of 2380 p/a.  Should I use capital earning interest at 0.5% to pay off…[Read more]

  • tinydancer09 replied to the topic Rental Yield – How does borrowing affect it? in the forum Finance 15 years, 3 months ago

    Still confused…If it costs to borrow, surely that would affect your profit?? Any income you make would go on repayments. Surely the higher the cost of borrowing, the less you make…Thanks for your reply.


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