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  • Profile photo of timothy_us8

    Write "I want to be Audited" in bright red crayon on that line item. Im sure the auditor will be glad to explain how to depreciate a pair of socks to you :)

    Profile photo of timothy_us8

    A marked improvement in fixed capital investment had taken place in the mining sector, Minerals and Energy Minister Buyelwa Sonjica said in her maiden budget vote speech in Parliament yesterday.

    The Chamber of Mines raised concerns towards the end of last year about what appeared to be an investment strike in the sector. Some suggested that the cause lay in the new legislative framework introduced by the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act.

    The slowdown in investment was all the more inexplicable in the light of a commodities boom which saw mineral sales grow by a preliminary figure of 36.7% to R195.2 billion (US$27.4 billion) last year. At the same time, processed minerals grew at a moderate 14.5%.


    Montreal Furnished Apartment

    Profile photo of timothy_us8

    This is ABSOLUTELY discrimination! You’re discriminating based on employment and that is TOTALLY ILLEGAL!

    What if she was a sewer worker? Would you say no because you’d worry that your house would get too smelly? For such people you could have got a legal Residential Lease Agreement form filled. I’ve got my form for my tenants from You can also download the forms.

    And-as for her not being honest-most exotic dancers are also models-so she’s really not telling a lie.

    Profile photo of timothy_us8

    I’ve read it and yes I have seen the video. Great stuff. She’s one of the best I have ever heard or seen on real estate investing! Move over Donald Trump! Ha! No seriously…It is a little on the vague far as going in real depth about how to rehab. However it does tell you all you need to know from a general perspective and got me going in the right direction. Great info and oh yeah, the video is on you tube. I saw it too. Pretty cool-they do these buying tour things where charrissa takes a bunch of investors on a bus and takes them to buy property or something. I’m going to check into that too. Maybe Ill see you on a tour with her…who knows!

    Profile photo of timothy_us8

    How are you approaching them?

    I think part of the problem is they’re extremely busy. Having an “intern” follow them around or be around in the office might just be a pain in the rear to them.

    Keep trying though. If that’s what you want to do, keep plugging away. When you get a “no” – treat it as a stepping-stone to your next YES.

    Prove to yourself that you can do it. If you turn up with no results, try something different. You can visit Charrissa Cawley website REI Conferences dot com. She is stay home mom turned millionaire. You can join the website for free and can get the real estate strategies to investors of all different levels. Do not give up. See how she turned her self from a housewife to a millionaire.

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