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  • timmcm replied to the topic Melbourne units- 109 Clarendon Street. Any in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 3 months ago

    honestly I would not know what this sort of apartments are worth, but there is allot popping up around the general close area.I stick to houses on big blocks 25 km from the city.But I can give you good information about the general areaOne side of that building would be very noisy – freeway sideThere is a new Coles and shopping centre that has…[Read more]

  • timmcm replied to the topic Melbourne units- 109 Clarendon Street. Any in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 3 months ago

    I work in the next block to this siteAs you can see on the map its right next to westgate fwy, this is a very busy fwy.The windows would shake as the trucks go past :)

  • timmcm replied to the topic Our first reno project in the forum Value Adding 17 years, 3 months ago

    Good luck I have just done a very similar reno in the next suburb of springvale – but using a buy – reno – hold strategyIm amazed how much houses are selling for in this area this year. and also how quickly they are sellingTim


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