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Tim the Toolman

  • Tim the Toolman replied to the topic Building in New Estates? in the forum Value Adding 20 years ago

    Just remember: land appreciates, houses depreciate! If you want investment return – it may not be best to build but if you want tax advantages – it may be best to build.

  • Tim the Toolman replied to the topic Stamp duty on land only? in the forum Value Adding 20 years ago

    That’s a great site Jo. Many thanks, Tim.

  • Tim the Toolman replied to the topic Building in Tasmania in the forum Value Adding 20 years ago

    I used to be State Manager for a building franchise in Tasmania. Western Tas is very difficult to get builders and even Burnie is busy for next 12 months or so. You may be better off buying established. Let me know where you’re looking at building?

  • Tim the Toolman replied to the topic Step by Step- building a house in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    I worked for a nationaly house building group and unfortunately the building flow changes from state to state. It’s amazing how differently things are done from area to area!

  • Tim the Toolman replied to the topic Buying Display Homes in the forum Value Adding 20 years ago

    I’ve bought and sold many display homes in the past (only bought 1, sold heaps through my job). The best part is that your tenant is a builder who will maintain the house adequately and the second best part is the high depreciation you will get on the fixtures due to the level of specification that is used to complete the home. The builders may…[Read more]

Tim the Toolman