TheYoungInvestor replied to the topic Can reno’s make money or does stamp duty negate any gains? in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago
I doubt you could buy shopping centers for 1 mil.that's BS……. sorry mate.
TheYoungInvestor replied to the topic Regarding New FHOG in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago
Thanks for that Tony BAppreciated Not buying anything anytime soon waiting for the prices to drop right down and more affordable then will snap up few bargains and invest
TheYoungInvestor replied to the topic 1Million Dollar Question in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago
No For example the aim is……Over 5 years to be able to pretty much semi retire, and build up even more? like to be able to generate enough income to build even more for future and to live. ?
TheYoungInvestor replied to the topic 1Million Dollar Question in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago
I might consider a neighbourhood shopping centre in a regional location for about $3.3m on a 6-7% net yield. Interest at say 8.5-9% pa (about $200k) offset against rent of $210k.But thats like just paying interest with no real income ?I will give you the lotto numbers no problems if i find a way. lol
TheYoungInvestor replied to the topic 1Million Dollar Question in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago
So you would buy one property instead of giving small deposits on say 4houses and 1commercial?
TheYoungInvestor replied to the topic 1Million Dollar Question in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago
20% of 1Million would be 200k? that can't be possible…….but correct me if you can.
TheYoungInvestor replied to the topic $430k to $375k drop – please help in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago
Which area is the unit in? i might be intrested?
TheYoungInvestor replied to the topic Should I be buying now? in the forum So should the property 16 years ago
So should the property investors in sydney wait for a couple of more months before the prices really drop? Or you can start buying now because it's the right time?I keep getting confused is it the right time to invest or wait?
TheYoungInvestor replied to the topic Look please in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago
That's a fair bit of cash.
TheYoungInvestor replied to the topic Look please in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago
Yes i know i will be paying 21% intrest but on a 30,000$ amount if i took all of the 30k out with 21% how much repayment would i be doing per month on the 30k only.
TheYoungInvestor replied to the topic New Investor Questions Please Help. in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago
Just a question , how would you be able to buy more properties when you pay small deposit and have no profit from the rented property? for the next whatever 10 yrs? i dont understand unless your buying the property cash to generate income?
TheYoungInvestor replied to the topic New Investor Questions Please Help. in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago
Also the my aim is to have 6properties to be all paid off in 8 years! dont know wether it's possible
TheYoungInvestor replied to the topic New Investor Questions Please Help. in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago
Mate thank you so much for your help, great replyJust a reply to what you said about the 800k , the 800k is not borrowed it is cash from property that was sold overseas with it i plan to invest it in australian property market , so i wanted to know if its better to buy 2houses cash and collect rent or. buy say 5houses with smaller deposits i dont…[Read more]