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  • TheRC1 replied to the topic cap gains tax on own residence? in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Can you only do this once?
    I think you can do this several times.

    Here is a senario:
    You buy a place as your home (primary residence) and then upgrade after a few years (ie new home= new primary residence). The first place you rent out. Before six years is up on the first place you sell it.

    You could do this again for the next upgrade.
    The tax…[Read more]

  • TheRC1 replied to the topic 0 – 130 does not make you wealthy in the forum Opinionated! 21 years ago

    I have looked at some of these properties on and have wondered do they really stack up.

    Has anyone used this service and purcahsed property through them and how has it panned out.

    I might be too suspicious. But I am a believer in if its to good to be true it usually isn’t.


  • TheRC1 replied to the topic 11 sec rule is OLD lowball rule in the forum Opinionated! 21 years ago

    You indicated that you have found another Ballarat property using the “11” second rule. Since reading your book I have been trying to find that illusive “ripe apple” and am wondering how many towns (i.e. markets) you have a background on and keep an eye on. In that; I’d suggest that you know the Ballarat market quiet well. How do you keep…[Read more]
