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  • ^^ Yes you are correct, it is in Altona North! My point was that it isn’t in Williamstown as claimed. As for edgewater, had the pleasure of being there again today. Some dodgy ashphalting in that place. We had a stillage with some steel in it, a bit of weight but nothing too drastic… after we had emptied it we found that the legs of the stillage had sunk a good few inches into the asphalt. there was a few sizeable holes in the ashpalt, I mean it was 32 degrees, but still….

    blogs wrote:
    THEHEATH wrote:
    Blogs, did I read right, you think Edgewater is nicer than Williamstown? And to answer your question I was only as recently as two weeks ago working in the edgeater estate. A palm tree and some ashphalt next to a dirty brown river doesn't make a place a great place to live. It makes it less shitty than it could otherwise be, but that doesn't mean it's good. Anyway, I'm sure it'll make you some good money regardless so invest away.

    You sure do have a complex-dirty brown river??? WTF just goes to show you havent even been there-I'll take some happy snaps for you and email or post them here if anyone knows how? ANd for the record I think Edgewater is nicer than Willy-that is of course unles you have as oft spot for the refinery and comission houses. Otherwise E/W is much better on the eye-has beautiful views of the city, beauty river, parks and running tracks…but of course you wouldnt know any of this because you probably didnt even get out of the car? Anyway Im happy becasue the way to make money is to go against the sheep…baaaaaa baaaa baaaa

    Oh I’ve been there, in fact I was there again yesterday.How silly of me, I had forgotten the dirty big powerline towers that dot the area too! Never mind, at least you’ve got an Aldi.

    There is no refinery in Williamstown, it’s in Altona. And funny you should mention comminssion houses because all of the area surrounding edgewater reminds of the housing commission areas of west heidelberg.

    For the record, Williamstowns has city views, parks and running/walking tracks too, all with ocean views! Much better on the eye? Well… I guess if you don’t like beautiful victorian era architecture and the like then you won’t be pleased with what you find. Geez, I haven’t even had time to mention the many fantastic resaurants, cafes and watering holes….don’t worry, I think there’s a pokies place with a lovely ambience just up from edgewater that does a counter meal. Enjoy living on your old ammunitions dump. Kapow!

    Blogs, did I read right, you think Edgewater is nicer than Williamstown?

    And to answer your question I was only as recently as two weeks ago working in the edgeater estate. A palm tree and some ashphalt next to a dirty brown river doesn’t make a place a great place to live. It makes it less shitty than it could otherwise be, but that doesn’t mean it’s good. Anyway, I’m sure it’ll make you some good money regardless so invest away.

    Anyway, if you’ve got 700k to spend I’d be heading to Williamstown or even some parts of Newport to have a look at what you can get. Much nicer than Marybrnong.

    beaniemonster wrote:

    i agree with you blogs about peoples perception on the west being quite way off the truth. I love the one where 'Altona' smells like a refinery! Well i've been there for over 3yrs now and although i'm not near the refinery i'm a few blocks from the beach and i have never smelt it ever!!!!! we get the bay breezes and it blows the smell to altona North. Sorry a bit off topic but i too get sick of peoples unfounded opinions on the west! oh and lets not forget the sun in our eyes to and from the city, lol.

    sorry just really had to vent that… back to your original topic.

    You probably can’t smell it because of the over powering stench of rotting sea weed on your beach!!

    The reason equity will be eaten away is because there is a price slump….so you seem to be contradicting yourself a bit here. People will find it harder to access their equity as banks tighten their credit policiies.

    The rise in interest rates will lead to difficulty in serviceability which will lead to people selling which will lead to an over supply which in turn drives prices DOWN.

    It has a reputation for being a bit rough, with quite a few housing commission (or ex-housing commission) houses in the area.

    Since Terry W has spent so much time answering questions already allow me :)

    Out of interest, do you think you’ve made anything on it yet? Why are you selling, because you think obtaining finance in the future may be difficult?

    Murray, speaking to some people who currently work in the mines I have been told it is much easier to get work once you are actually over there. For example one person I spoke to said basically interviews were held every Wednesday at that particular mine, all you had to do was show up.

    Yes, perhaps look into the NEIS scheme (New enterprise investment scheme, or something like that). They can offer you help. I think it is a federal program, not a state one.

    Nina I don’t have any invesment properties as yet so take my advice as you will. In my opinion after reading your situation I would be focussing on purchasing a PPOR. The reason being is that given your stated level of income I doubt you would qualify (nor would it be a good idea) to take out a loan for an investment property at this stage. Any period of vacancy would tip you over edge financially. What you have said though is that you are earning enough money to pay the rent. I would be focussing on finding an area where you could purchase a home for a similar figure to the amount of rent you are currently paying. This of course could mean moving to an area a bit further out. The benefits of this in my opinion include 1)Locking in a property at todays prices. 2) By taking the step of purchasing a property you can begin accumulating that magic thing that appears out of thin air- EQUITY (the difference between what you owe on your mortgage and the value of the property). It may take 5 or 10 years, but as house prices increase and your equity does, you could find yourself with $50,000 or $100,000 worth of equity at some time in the future. Nina by this stage your husbands income may have increased and you can then use this equity to obtain loans to fund further purchases of property or shares.

    Nina two years ago I was in a similar position to you. I decided to bite the bullet and purchase a place just to get out of the rat race of renting. I had minimal deposit and even took out a small personal loan to increase the amount of initial deposit I had (generally the higher deposit you have initially the lower the interest rate will be) so that over the life of the loan I am paying a lessor interest rate than those no money down loans (you then pay down the smaller personal loan ASAP as it will have the highest rate of interest). The result? Two years on prices have increased and I now have around $50-60k “equity” which has appeared out of thin air. I would never have been able to save this amount of money over a two year period.

    It may take 10 years or so nina for this kind of equity to appear but would you rather be sitting back in 10 years with 100k of equity or nothing?

    Given your stated financial position though nina it’s very important you don’t over extend yourself in the current climate of rising interest rates. Be realistic and give yourself a buffer for interest rate rises.

    Just my schmuck opinion. If anyone can pick it to pieces then fell free to do so.
    Good Luck

    t4_ever wrote:
    Guys you all forget that 3 big Uni (caulfield monash + clayton campus+Deakin) located on the East side. Where as the west only have 1.

    the question is do u all want ur kids goto good Uni ??? if so then the best place is the EAST…

    Yes because where you live dictates which University you attend lol.

    blogs wrote:
    THEHEATH wrote:
    Ocean? City in view? hahaa. Yeah ok, so there's "werribee beach" lol and the city can be seen from afar because there is nothing out there to spoil your view! But I'm just being a bitch, the real clanger in here is that you said it's only 15.20 mins uninterrupted on the on the highway-true may it be, how long do you think it will take you during peak hour when people are trying to get to work?? The traffic banks back and you're looking at a 45 minute trip in most cases.

    As oposed to anywhere else that is built on the bay? lol such a typical eastern suburb tosser comment. Thats o.k though becuase while all you turkeys have been paying through the nose to live in a 3 bedder an hour out of the cbd I have been buying up close to the city in the west and have already seem my wealth go through the roof-its only common sense that people with a budget of say $400-$500k are guna look at inner west compared to outer east and buy inner west and drive it up even more. You just keep on enjoying your south eastern car park :)

    So I should expand. Obviously I wasn’t bagging the west. I was merely pointing out some facts, the most crucial of which is that you can get to the city in 15-20 mins. Living in Williamstown and travelling over the West Gate daily I know this is about how long it takes me to get to the CBD so there is no way in hell you are going to get there in 15-20 from truganina.

    blogs wrote:
    THEHEATH wrote:
    Ocean? City in view? hahaa. Yeah ok, so there's "werribee beach" lol and the city can be seen from afar because there is nothing out there to spoil your view! But I'm just being a bitch, the real clanger in here is that you said it's only 15.20 mins uninterrupted on the on the highway-true may it be, how long do you think it will take you during peak hour when people are trying to get to work?? The traffic banks back and you're looking at a 45 minute trip in most cases.

    As oposed to anywhere else that is built on the bay? lol such a typical eastern suburb tosser comment. Thats o.k though becuase while all you turkeys have been paying through the nose to live in a 3 bedder an hour out of the cbd I have been buying up close to the city in the west and have already seem my wealth go through the roof-its only common sense that people with a budget of say $400-$500k are guna look at inner west compared to outer east and buy inner west and drive it up even more. You just keep on enjoying your south eastern car park :)

    I live in Williamstown.Want me to draw you a map?

    sienna1 wrote:
    we are in the middle of buying in truganina.. right across the road from point cook. We are not from melbourne but researched it for almost a year and went from east to west and then flew down there and took a look. In my mind its a goldmine, all new housing plenty of shops and warehouses, schools, fantastic highways and the ocean across the road. The city is in view and only takes 15-20 minutes uninterrupted by highway. I only hope when this one is finished we have enough lending power for another before the prices are out of our reach.

    I have listened to heaps of people who have done it themselves and the reno brothers gave one piece before where they said something along the lines of look into the future, look for what is going in as in infrastructure, look for what people want in their housing and then spot the bargains.

    West Melbourne has it all and is waiting to go off.

    Ocean? City in view? hahaa. Yeah ok, so there’s “werribee beach” lol and the city can be seen from afar because there is nothing out there to spoil your view! But I’m just being a bitch, the real clanger in here is that you said it’s only 15.20 mins uninterrupted on the on the highway-true may it be, how long do you think it will take you during peak hour when people are trying to get to work?? The traffic banks back and you’re looking at a 45 minute trip in most cases.

    Awesome, I never realised this.

    Cheers guys. You confirmed what I had suspected. Thanks for the info, this leads me to a second question. If I cancel a credit card is this reported on my credit report, in the same way a loan is reported as being cleared after the last payment? ie. By cancelling the cards will the banks clearly be able to see this or will they only see the original application for credit?
    Thanks again. The info you guys give out on here is invaluable.

    Why are they so reluctant to lend for these type of apartments? Many of these type of places have rental guarantees and pay what I would consider to be above average rent so……?

    Glad to hear some more feedback on this group. Have been considering using them as their “positive cash flow” investment properties appeal to me. Seems a bit hit and miss though….

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