TheFatInvestor replied to the topic Looking to buy condo (cash) in NV, either put in my son’s name or create a family trust? Can Family Trust buy real estate? in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago
@pixievIt is best you speak with a qualified practioner to ensure you setup a structure that works for you, your investment strategy and your overall objective. If you are intending on setting up an Australian family trust you can look down the path of the trust owning your US based Limited Liability Company (LLC) which may provide asset…[Read more]
TheFatInvestor replied to the topic LLC Structuring in the US in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago
Hi Leo,Not sure as to what stage of the buying process you are in however I would recommend that you ensure you have the correct structure to suit your individual investment strategy sorted out prior to making any investments… It's money upfront but saves a lot further down the track.It is suggested you speak with a qualified practioner but…[Read more]