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  • Profile photo of thecrestthecrest
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    Sounds like you need a better finance broker Mudgecko, and looks like you’ve just done that.
    Good luck

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    ” The cracks appeared around Dec 2013 (6months ago). ”
    Has anyone been in the roof around that time or since who may have taken a wrong step ?

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    I like to create a 2 tiered commission deal – add some extra to their normal commission rate provided they sell within my parameters. Short exclusive agreements are enough to test the market and ensure the REA applies their best efforts without delay. They should also have a hotlist of buyers to refer to within the first week as well.
    Good luck

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    Scary public liability scenario. But my experience with Councils is that they say they are prevented by regulations from approving any structure afterwards or “ex post facto” as they told me. Has this changed and can you get approval afterwards these days ?

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    Update. Finally managed to replace lawn areas burnt by January’s heatwave conditions, never knew new lawn took so long to grow. We have a change of plans and have placed our motel on the market at about 26% ROI and will be looking to replace it with one closer to the Port Stephens / Hunter region where our new Statewide Motel Brokers business is based. There are some excellent motels on offer right now, even noticed a passive investment one returning 10% ROI, there are some good deals out there and some good motel stock on the market and interest rates are low, and I suspect that after the initial media budget bashing frenzy which does consumer confidence and the economy no favours, we should see some confidence returning and our economy improve. Motels have taken a small slump in turnover over the last 12 months but now rebounding as resilient as always. Hope those considering motel investment can find something to suit while it’s a buyers’ market. Good luck.

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    I suggest you get paid then email the PM, request they provide a copy of the time period and clause relating to terminating the agreement. Explain the situation, then issue notice that you intend to terminate unless matters are rectified. If no results, give notice and move managers.
    Good luck.
    the crest

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    Hi Paulmarn. Congratulations again on your purchase and on taking the journey. Glad you’re reducing wages, that’ll pay off especially over times like Easter and definitely every weekend. It sure builds an in-depth knowledge of your room product and the linen quality. Commercial laundries’ products can become overaged quickly and affect your offering. Can u identify the motel or town for us ? Sounds like the relief mgrs were overpaid considering no restaurant. Hope it continues to flourish. You’re so fortunate to have chef skills, great food is such a plus, especially breakfasts, coz the quality of motel breakfasts varies so much. Are you packaging accomm with meals (dinner , bed n breakfast)  to keep that expenditure in-house ? Very excited for you. Looking forward to more info about your motel.



    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    Just received a cheque and apology from ANZ for not linking an offset account to a loan in 2004. probably a direct or indirect result of the recent class action against them which I was not a party to, but a surprised beneficiary of their spring cleaning ( demonstrating an attempt at restitution and duty of care ex post facto as part of their liability minimisation more like it).

    We dumped them around 2004 because they didn't want to refinance our motel even though we'd paid the LVR down by about 20% below the level at which they'd first lent, just dumb regional staff I think. Now with CBA who have been mostly helpful.



    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    If it's not going to materially affect your property or the ability of a prospective new occupant to enjoy the peace and quiet of the premises, if there's no downside with that information, why wouldn't you disclose?



    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    When I'm a multi millionaire, I'll have the freedom to make more choices, to help family, friends and needy and motivated people, to all succeed.

    Those in desperate need get essentials and an exit strategy. Those in better situations get a leg up.

    I believe in the philosophy that " give someone a fish and you feed them for a day, but give them a fishing line and teach them how to fish and you feed them for a lifetime".

    And best of all for me, thanks to whoever said be happy with what you get.

    Good luck with all your dreams.smiley



    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    I tried to upload an image of this property to this post but can't do it. Can anyone give me instructions ? The box asks for a URL but pics in my PC in the "My Pictures" folder don't have a URL as such. Any help appreciated .



    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    Hi Bennyhub.

    Where's the Wagga one, house or unit ?

    I have a family contact in RE in Newcastle if you want it, PM me.

    My motel in Wagga is going great.




    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    Not sure why there are no posts here, buyer's agents must've missed it. 

    To answer your questions :

    I've used agents as bloodhounds for me when I was time poor and I'd use one again if I lacked the expertise in an area and thought the agent's cost would be less than the cost saving.

    Not much good looking for attributes except licencing because the proof is in the results not in the golden promises and that personal experience over a number of years of buying and selling and leasing my own motels encouraged me to become a motel broker.



    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    Hi Pumkin.

    Are u still interested in a hotel motel in the Bathurst area ? I'll be doorknocking hospitality properties mainly motels in Bathurst and Orange soon so I could keep an eye out for you.

    I don't deal in hotels because I don't have any expertise in that area of business but I'm in the information flow when I'm prospecting if that's any help.



    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    Ask some of the truck rental companies near your goods if they have any "ferry drivers" they use to reposition vehicles from one way rentals.

    Freckle has it too.

    Lift back trucks are great.



    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    What are the ongoing costs monthly or annually to have a SMSF please ? and are most basic accountants competent to manage one or is it better with a specialist ?

    If with a specialist, I'd want my accountant subbing the specialist so to speak and keep my trusted accountant in the loop. What do you think ?




    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    selling motels in NSW

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    We've done 6 bathrooms in our motel during the last 12 months.

    Full strip and jackhammer out the floor. No plumbing changes. 

    Remove all walling and flooring and cornice. 

    Waterproof seal, tiles to the cornice, wall mounted 900 vanity ceramic top, fixed pane glass shower, lights, big tiles, painted ceiling and cornice, skip & removal, brm carpets cleaned.

    All trades labour and fixtures n fittings $8,500 each bathroom.

    Good luck



    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    The tenant has breached your "outside" condition and your PM has overlooked the breach and wants to condone it.

    If you want to agree with the PM, instruct the PM to get it in writing and signed by the tenant and cover yourself for additional damage, esp to carpets and doors etc.

    There's a big difference in what damage is allowable as "fair wear n tear" when you allow a dog inside, even more for 2 dogs.

    More bond would be reasonable since they've upped the risk factor but you probably can't demand it.

    Good luck



    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    Hi Whitehousemax.

    As just a member of this Forum, I suggest you please explain but observe the Forum guidelines in doing so. 



    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    Ho Corey.

    3 yr term.



    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    selling motels in NSW

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