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    After 3 months, Teacher found out what FIGJAM was, so my son was banned from wearing that hat to school. Now we’re having another 2 embroidered especially to see how long the penny takes to drop this time :
    BOHICA – bend over here it comes again, and
    DILLIGAFF – do I look like I give a flying #!@* fig i think it was, must be a vegan thing.

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    Hi Investron
    No need to put up with any financial institution having a lunar cycle or any other kind of cycle.
    St George wagged their tail off to get my business recently, gave me a great deal, and the service has not slacked since, excellent. Will give you the direct contact if you want to PM me.
    I have no vested interest and not a shareholder.

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    Hi John
    Any chance of getting access earlier, prior to settlement ?
    In my experience there is a very reduced supply of tenants around close to Xmas. Better to sign up one now. Can you advertise it now ?

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    Hi Jaffasoft
    You have an acorn there.
    The cash can be controlled by leasing out all the hostels.
    You don’t want to be bothered with vehicle breakdowns.
    Backpackers who want vehicles, always have the problem of selling them when they leave Australia.
    Perhaps you can sell vehicles to inbound backpackers with a buyback scheme. They have to buy the vehicle and prepay for a book of accommodation vouchers to your hostels. You buy the vehicle back at an agreed lower price, less costs for damage or urgent repairs. Where else would they stay ? Possibly a win-win.

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    Dear JanMarieqld
    Firstly, you need to arrange for someone to act as a PM for you, and to remove yourself from any further direct dealing with this tenant, to get him and his abuse out of your face. There is no excuse for abuse or any kind of attempted intimidation. The Residential Tenancies Act allows for immediate termination of a tenancy if the landlord or agent feels threatened or if injury is likely. It’s not easy to prove. Check the facts for your state. Be sure you behave properly and legally. If he grovels enough and apologises for his behaviour and you feel completely satisfied with his explanation and comfortable with him around, and he quits breaching the lease re smoking, then decide if you want to keep him on. When his current lease expires, you can put him on a succession of 3 month fixed leases (talk to your PM about putting him on a short leash/lease, and I mean leash). If he does not show enough remorse, remove him. But beware, if you can’t win at hardball, don’t play.

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    Hi Daaussie
    By the time you gain enough expertise in selling, IT, and whatever else you need, your dream home could be sold and lost.
    Why not get an expert to sell it for you quickly, as they’re geared up to do it, add their cost onto your final price, and get the dream home ? Chances are, the expert will get a better price than you, already knows how to attract the optimum number of buyers, and close the deal sooner. Whaddya reckon Daaussie ?

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    Profile photo of thecrestthecrest
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    Hi All
    Perhaps any topic would be better covered if there were less replies looking like pedestrian crossings, so busy doing the he said she said stuff and not addressing the issue, nor adding any thing new or constructive. This forum is the greatest tool ever devised, free speech to huge crowd, perhaps a bit heady for some.
    Looking forward to more constructive input.

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    Hi Di
    What attracted you to Forbes ?

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    Hi Matt
    You’re entitled to any property related loss incurred by the tenants breaking the lease provided you made a reasonable attempt to re-let the property. You can claim lost rent, cleaning, ads, lease preparation fees, agents re-let fees. But even if you are awarded orders for them to pay, you still have to collect it.
    If they are persons of substance, the Sheriff does a great job, go ask them how to empower them to collect for you.
    Without substance, give it a miss, too much drama, no money. hope it works out.

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    Hi Rip
    TerryW is right.
    Mobile homes depreciate quickly.
    Not sure how your proposed investment is structured. More details would make it easier to help you. .
    Caravan Parks are a mixed lot, I’ve managed 3 of them, and wouldn’t like to do it again unless I’m reincarnated as a 140kg fit wrestler.

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    Hi Sonja
    If your lease does not mention non-smoking, then you would be deemed to be allowing it, or at the least, taking your chances, because 20% of the population smoke, and the damage is normal wear and tear for that 20%. Stinks I reckon.
    Moteliers (like me) use an ozone machine to eliminate smoking smell in rooms. There is one made by “Rainbow Air” , costs about $1200, changes a smoked room to a non-smoking room in under 2 hours. Works like a charm. Eliminates the smell from all fabrics in the room too, but it won’t remove the long-term tar from the ceiling – domestos does though. Maybe you can rent an ozone machine somewhere.

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    Hi Domo
    Monopoly & Elika are spot on about discrimination.
    Do it wrong and you have broken the law.
    In NSW (not sure abot other states) the PM can decline a tenancy application without giving a reason. That’s the best way.
    Pets and kids increase wear and tear, no doubt about that. The lease can state that the tenant is responsible for the cost of repairs of any damage or smell caused by pets inside or outside the premises. However, the Residential Tenancies Act permits reasonable wear & tear, and “reasonable” is interpreted according to the type of tenants in the property. Extra damage is permissable as “wear and tear” if the tenants include kids, wheelchairs, or someone who has any kind of mobility or other problem which might understandably increase damage, provided the problem was obvious or explained to the PM prior to acceptance of the tenancy application.
    So if you accept a tenat who will obviously or understandably cause your property more than “normal” wear & tear, then the higher level of wear and tear becomes legally acceptable, and the tenant is not liable for it.
    I always included an additional clause in the lease stating that
    “the condition in which the tenants found the property was “professionally sprayed for fleas, spiders, cockroaches etc. and the tenant especially with a dog was responsible for leaving the property as they found it and therefore must have the property professionally sprayed the same when vacating at the tenant’s expense with a copy of the invoice provided to the PM.”
    hope it helps, hope it always runs smooth for you.

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    Hi Misty1
    There are several water charging systems in place.
    System 1. If the property is on the local council charging plan where you get an allocation of free water included in the rates, but pay for any excess, then the rates are paid by the owner, and the excess is paid by the tenant. There must be a meter, the meter must be read on start and end of lease, the lease must state that the tenant pays the excess, the tenant is entitled to a photocopy of the excess water bill prior to payment, but you can obliterate the owner’s address.The tenant must pay promptly to avoid council penalties.
    System 2. Meter is installed. Every litre consumed is payable by the tenant as charged by local council. Meter is read at start and end of tenancy, and at 1-3 month intervals, bill goes to PM or owner, copy to tenant, payment required from tenant before penalty date, ensure it’s stated in the lease, most new leases already mention it, as does the Residential Tenancies Act. Meter must be read, reading usually noted on inbound and outbound condition report, countersigned by tenant.
    Gas Bottles. Owner provides a full bottle at start of lease. Tenant pays for all refills. Tenant must fill bottle on or about last day of lease & provide owner with receipt or copy showing refill. This must be stated in the lease.
    Owner pays for bottle hire. Simple.

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    Profile photo of thecrestthecrest
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    However, I feel like I did most of the work on the day the buyer came through!

    The agency was going to cancel the open home that day but forgot. So they had no agents to come to the open home.

    The agent turned up early and offered to put an Open home Cancelled sign on the day. I said to leave it, I’ll ring if people come.


    It would be wrong to recommend this behaviour to any unsuspecting vendor. The REA was employed to apply his best efforts to sell the property. If that was his best, he needs training. How old is he ? First he organises an open day, then wants to cancel it, then forgets to cancel it, then runs out of staff. Truly !
    And why did you get the sale ? LUCK, and your own sales effort, not good management by the REA. You had a motivated buyer who wanted to make an offer because they wanted to buy it, and you sent them to the REA. They made a lame attempt to negotiate by offering $5K less, blind freddie could tell they were going to buy it anyway. It’s a shoo-in deal, the receptionist could’ve handled it while he was out cancelling the other open houses he forgot about.

    Honest – it’s a basic – keeps him out of court & jail.
    On time – another basic – a courtesy – expect nothing less.

    He doesn’t deserve a letter IMHO. He got his commission and it’s more than he deserved.

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    Profile photo of thecrestthecrest
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    Hi Domo
    You would get close to the mark if you did all your homework as per the other posts, then spend a Saturday looking at 5 rental properties which most closely resemble yours.
    If you can’t find 5, then you are in luck, because the tenants won’t find them either.
    Then choose rent level in conjunction with your chosen PM, set a rent review for 6 months hence, and get it on the market asap, so it can start working for you.
    good luck

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    Hi Tools
    Should be no problem requesting that you get a copy of any condition report on your property whenever one is filled out.
    Condition report is a powerful document if completed correctly, and can be stronger with supporting photos. However, it must show the condition of the property at a certain period in time ie incident, moving in, moving out. If too much time has elapsed between writing and point of time in question, the report weakens due to the opportunity of changes occurring over time.
    e.g. tenant moves out, PM does outbound condition report saying property is very clean. 4 weeks later, new tenant moves in, PM uses same condition report for inbound tenant. But the house is now very dusty, musty, etc. condition report is no longer accurate,instant disagreement between tenant and PM. Who pays for the cleaning ?
    Condition reports have a short “use by date”, outside that period, they begin to lose credibility and legal weight.

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    Hi emcdonald
    thanks for the option, I chose “he” for my post, and politely ignored the grammatical error in your post. We all live in glass houses.

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    Hi Chefman
    Congratulations to you both on the new pub ! Hope it’s a great success. All the best.

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    Profile photo of thecrestthecrest
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    Hi Recoveryman
    Sounds rough. You need accurate information first to establish the true situation.
    Get the new PM to take photos and do a very detailed condition report and send both to you immediately, pay them separately for it. Get it rented again fast. Discuss the details with Dept Fair Trading – they approve REA licences,(QLD ?) they also cancel them, settle for full compensation from the REA if they are at fault for costs, lost rent etc. good luck

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    Hi Muppet
    As per the posting question – How did you do it ?

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    selling motels in NSW

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