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  • Profile photo of thecrestthecrest
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    Been to court with a NSW council and this very issue, albeit many years ago.
    We had a huge 3 car garage and one brm flat + bathroom full brick all under one roof and joined to the house.
    Builder friend erected partitions in our 3 car garage which reduced garage space but increased the one bedroom to 2, all under the same roof. Neighbour complained to council. Council issued a demolition order.
    We refused to co-operate. It went to court.
    Magistrate ruled the partitions constituted "building" and any building required a DA from Council.
    Maybe regs have changed or are different in each council area.
    good luck

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    Yes a great thread , good one Benjamin, the genie is out of the bottle or is it worms everywhere, but this thread gives some very interesting people the chance to let their idealogy off the chain and share it.
    Good one ten_burner – " hope is not a strategy " , i can use that with my kids, thank you.
    Marc – thanks for ratifying daydreaming, it's an amazing tool that has helped me for years.

    Someone once said "I've tried poor, I prefer rich. " and that's really me, gotta agree with that one.
     Occasionally Hollywood produces some off screen gems like this one  "anyone who says money won't buy everything just doesn't know where to shop"  ooooh yeah, try that without money.

    If money destroyed spirituality, how come so many high profile gurus have helicopters ?

    Money like any other powerful tool, can be a force for good. Mine is aimed at providing retirement comfort and security,
    better health care for my family, better training and ongoing educational opportunities for my kids, reliable transport, better food, and certainly better entertainment. Our money also helps a few deserving people along the way when we can identify an opportunity where it won't be wasted, like leg up not handout.

    Churches – I can understand why they used to need permanently owned buildings, so they couldn't be manoevered out of town by the opposition probably. Not sure I can justify the opulence of the Vatican with the poverty we have in the world. Wouldn't hurt to sell a few paintings. JC threw out the money changers who were profiting from the devout.

    Balance of the 6 things is surely the key as Ben says, keeping the balance is a challenge.

    Hope you all find balance   


    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    Still performing like a shot dog ,
    must be embarrassing for our fearless leader to have him on his team  

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    The man's having a dyslexic effect on me, I can't even spell brain when I write about him, how ironic.! 

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    …." Looks like " ….  : Promotion, as in interview style advertisement, preamble stage. 

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    This looks like a promotion to me

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    Usually the good reliable tradespeople are too busy with honest work to get distracted by temporary work with travelling  snake oil shows and would prefer to keep their good name.
    Being in accommodation in a rural area, I've seen the recent rash of ragged assorted insulation carpetbaggers doing the country town rounds of doorknocking and mall haunting. 
    Garotte's creating deja vu here – bad performers, crap gigs and life on the road. Choke….
    Never paid for his poor performances before, shouldn't have to now. Pity we have to employ him. 
    Doubt he'll be a minister too much longer.
    Can't imagine losing a son, my heartfelt sympathy to that family, must be crushing, hope they find what they need to endure the anguish.
    Need to get that fool out of our Parliament asap before he gets another barinwave.  


    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    If you want to assist someone to fade away into obscurity, it's better to ignore them for a start.
    Publicity is expensive, let them do their own.

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    You'd have to wonder why a PM would give up a 5 day a week job with a slack lazy office. 
    5  weeks no property manager, no tenant – struth ! – when were they going to get alarmed or tell you ?

    Onya Pickle, look at what happened, you got going and did something. You 
    got some info & energy flowing through this great forum with all these great people so you
    surrounded yourself with a good team, ( pruned the deadwood agent –  ) 
    visited the property so you put some energy into the situation, showing
    the harder you work the luckier you get.

    Well done

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    Hi Mark
    Looks like you're on your way and asking the right questions.
    If you're seeking finance, I suggest you look for the Finance Brokers on this Forum who have heaps of postings – they have obviously been here a while and contributed heaps and helped lots of people, and they're still here.

    My experience with Banks is they have not been pro-active and don't tend to suggest their best options for you, rather your best options for them, unless you ask all the right questions, like "show me 5 ways of financing this".  But still better off with a broker.

    There is no substitute for doing your homework until you know an area and values very well, and know exactly what you're looking for. That way you can specialise, and become more proficient in that niche much faster, like 2 brm units, or villas or 3 brm houses in one or 2 suburbs.

    Mining has risks, so property investment dependant on mining shares that risk. If China goes slow, and or the mines cut back, property demand & prices go soft, vacancy rate increases, no buyers on the way down as they say. Or, you might have a 10 year mining window, who knows. I like more solid investments coz I know them better, and there are less risks.

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    Thanks Amanda, nice post, suggests to me that I stick to what I know and use experts for subdivision unless I want a steep learning curve and can afford mistakes.

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    Struth – 3 years for a thread – you guys need to speed up the typing a bit. This must be historic !!!
    S'pose this thread should've celebrated a few birthdays too for W4L  as the original thread starter –  and still going strong, amazing.

    World economics is not my forte that's for sure, but I hope it's true that Australia is well positioned with oil and mineral assets to weather a financial storm. Our mortgages bind our people to their properties and provide a kind of stability not enjoyed by USA.
    It's a shame about our high household debt, suckers for advertising we are, and want all the cars boats n gadgets, and wow man nothing to pay for 600 days , cooool. Or put it on your home loan, ouch.

    Wouldn't mind if we had better leadership results too.

    Still the best country in the world.



    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    selling motels in NSW

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    Profile photo of thecrestthecrest
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    Hi LJFZZ
    PM means private message. You can send one in this forum. Click on my name on top of my last reply next to "355 posts" and find it from there. Or post your email address here and I send you a lease. Either is OK.

    There is no body or industry association where you can register your interest, just brokers who are like real estate salesmen.
    Buying a motel from a broker is just like buying a house from a Real Estate Agent. The agent / broker represents the vendor who pays a commission to the broker on sale. Broker lists the motel, website, newspapers etc, takes enquiries, sends out info (figures), uses best persuasion and sales techniques, takes well qualified buyers around to show them properties. It's very competitive between brokers for listings and sales. They usually charge 3-4% Freehold or Investment, and 6% Leasehold.
    The market price for additional years depends on the individual lease and how much it netts the leaseholder p.a.

    It's always good to have the option to add extra years to the lease, usually suits both parties and they come in handy as part of your exit strategy.  A lease from your point of view as a landlord, looks better with 25 years on it rather than say 5. Banks will see a 5 year lease coming to an end soon, but not so much a 25 year one. Also it's worth more as an asset with more years on it.
    Human nature looks at a 25 year lease and says " life sentence", don't worry about it, but looks at a 15 year lease and starts amortising it, working out how much it's worth per remaining year. For a landlord to sell extra years is really money for jam.
    For the tenant, it's unnecessary expenditure with no return until those extra years either commence, or unless you're selling and want the lease to look its best and longest.  It's peace of mind of course for a tenant to keep the lease years as long as possible so it is easier to re-sell. A typical ball park figure would be around $3-5K p.a. though, but some landlords don't even charge for them. They're just happy to have a tenant stay there.

    No probs with questions, happy to help. Email ?

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    Outcome is whatever you can negotiate.

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    Yeah Rachel's on the ball.
    Suggest you ask the agent for :
    A complete rent record printout of the properties.
    Agent to write to each tenant advising the takeover date and the contact details of the new PM (you).
    Bond receipts & signed transfer forms to request change of landlord on lodged bonds into your name as landlord.
    Copies of all and any correspondence with the tenant.
    Copies of all inspections.
    Condition reports
    Water meter readings if not on condition report.
    Tenant application forms, copies of ID etc, and notes or results of diligence checks performed such as TICA.
    All keys and photocopies of key profiles.

    In your letter to the agent asking for all those things and whatever else you may ask them for relative to how things are done in Tassie, also request confirmation that there are no outstanding issues with any of the tenants, promises made or tenant requests.

    Re insurance claim, you can contact the insurance company and do that yourself, might not get much help from a " dumped " agent.
    Make sure you attend to maintenance issues immediately, if you're slow, then the rent will be too.
    Ensure you know who to ring immediately for urgent repairs like stove, hot water service, air con, heater, plumbing, electrical.
    If you get a plumber or handyman out there anytime for something, replace every tap washer in the house at the same time to avoid a callout later for just a washer.

    You'll need all your ducks in a row when you do it yourself.

    Hope it runs smoothly for you.

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    Do you need a car AND a bike, especially while you're trying to get out of the debt trap ?
    What's the bike worth to sell ? Coz if you sell it and pay the proceeds off the debt, especially the highest, they'll be paying YOU the 16.5% in effect. Need to establish priorities when eradicating debt.
    Definately a good idea to consolidate with a cheaper loan and your $750 fortnightly is over $19K p.a. which should just about clean it up – do that with a financer overlooking and knowing what you're doing and you'll have a new fan and a good relationship to move forward into investing with.

    Go for it – and good onya serving in the Navy,  we appreciate what you do. And next time you're sailing around the top end, would you mind just checking the fence and closing the gate mate.


    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    It's a steep learning curve coming up but worth it usually.
    Which state are you in,
    which state are the properties in,
    how far are you from your properties
    do you have stable good paying tenants
    are the properties labour intensive with maintenance issues

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    I think you need to have a look at the Foreign Investment Review Board, the link below, and see what the restrictions are.
    It also prevents prospective migrants from using "access to real estate owned" as a demand for automatic entry into Australia, plus a host of other problems they want to avoid.


    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    Hi Greg
    Good to hear you're a satisfied client.
    Do you have any other connection with Metropole ?
    Was that glowing testimonial unsolicited ? 
    So you paid $9000 for them to act as a buyers agent and locate a property for you, you bought it, then they scored the management of the property as well and arranged cleaning and painting, and installed a tenant.
    How long did it take to find the property ?
    How did they find the property ?
    Did they already have the property listed for sale ?
    Was the property listed with another agent or private ?
    Did they negotiate the purchase price and terms for you ?
    Are they the property managers now ?  

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    selling motels in NSW

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