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  • Profile photo of thecrestthecrest
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    Hi ALSK
    There is provision in the Residential Tenancies Act for a person who has been living in premises for some period of time to ask a Tribunal for an order that his tenancy be recognised.Since you have been living there with the landlord's / REA's knowledge, they have been dealing with you already and accepting your rent money.
    In simple terms, the Landlord just wants the rent paid on time and the house looked after, so why not put it to the landlord (REA) in those terms, ensure the house is spotless and ready for the inevitable instant inspection, and attach a bunch of rent to the request, along with an application form and bond – money talks.

    Good luck

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    selling motels in NSW

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    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    selling motels in NSW

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    How are you supposed to make money out of it ?

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    selling motels in NSW

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    Hi ShellH
    Personal opinion and suggestions.
    Ad says
    next to parkland,
    split system air con
    gas heating
    photo shows a window rattler, not a split, rattlers are not popular
    very bare
    no internal shots
    unemotional ad (could say "ready to add your own touches" , or  " add your own garden "
    no mention of kitchen or bathroom features
    no mention of parking features

    You could write your own ad and send it to the PM.
    Offering a free week's rent should stir up something,
    better than watching another empty week go by.
    You could ask the PM to put a sign on the lawn "For Lease", as some people
    tour an area before visiting agents.
    Good luck

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    selling motels in NSW

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    Hi Kate
     for your first property and considering the high return, you deal with an agent.
    Shop around Orange, cut the best deal you can find and over $500 pw rent  suggest you try to restrict commission to 6%  and 50% of first week's rent since they're making enough for very little effort since you already have a tenant  for them and a good one at that.
    If there are lawns, cut them yourself or use a local mowing service to cut them as required, no more than 15 cuts a year coz the winter is harsh. Engineering co should pay not less than monthly in advance and a bond. (don't let the agent kid you into paying the first week or month's rent as commission.  Agent should pay you monthly less commission.
    Ask around a few of the motels for a cleaner, they're all too busy mondays so Tuesday rate is $25/hr min 2 hrs.
    You only need a lease with 3 months fixed, then on continuation.
    Use hardy leather furniture and make the house comfy, the mining guys are highly paid and come from very comfortable homes. If they're gone every weekend, plan key pickup & return facilities.
    If you PM me I can give you a contact in Orange.
    I made a lot of assumptions here for expediency, and may have put in too much unnecessary info.
    Good luck

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    selling motels in NSW

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    Hi Jack
    I don't think the house prices in Bathurst reflect the high returns possible from mining guests, yet.
    The market in Bathurst caters to others mainly , but mining people don't have time to spend searching, they need it now and every week. 

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    selling motels in NSW

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    If I was renting to the mining market, it'd be like this :
    Fully furnished
    3-4 brms
    2-3 bathrooms
    huge gas HWS system(s)
    Gas ducted heating
    R/C split system air con to every bedroom & common rooms like lounge
    BBQ & deck
    Turn lawn into parking
    Hi Speed wi-fi
    Big flat screen
    Beer fridge in the garage
    The mining guests are mostly guys, want comfort and have a big budget
    and rent long term.
    At the moment, my friends with motels in Orange, Bathurst and Lithgow are under pressure to rent out every room to mining Monday – Friday, some starting Sunday night ready for the early starts. M-F occupancy is 100% most places. Weekends are slower and reduce the weekly occ rate to 80%.
    No motel will rent out all their rooms  every M-F to a mining company for fear they will lose all their existing client base and have nothing if the mining co moves the men. So a well furnished comfy big house or units would do well. Send in a cleaner weekly, and leave a blank page for repairs & maintenance. Mind you, a lot of them are tradies anyway.
    Rent it by the week or month as a package, charge for utilities as well.
    Advertise in local papers. Price , charge for whole house only at the rate of $200 per room per week + utilities.
    Their option is to pay for a motel room at about $80 per night.

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    selling motels in NSW

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    Thanks Angel, you're very kind, inspirational and energising.

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    selling motels in NSW

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    High praise to some people here from me :
    Nathan for starting and fuelling this excellent post
    Angel for explaining her journey and success, inspirational, (I'm going to chisel SWIM into stone and give it to my kids)
    Richard for his journey and insight
    Jake for the absolute gem about eagles & turkeys – just being here amongst this esteemed lot is flying with eagles.
    lordopg to be congratulated for trying to change the average mindset into one of great success, and to achieve it you have placed yourself in the right place and surrounded yourself with successful like-minded people and said "I will succeed", and by doing so, you will.
    You're all legends because you're here and doing it.
    And I guess all this is ironic being done on the Forum of Steve McKnight who has written 2 books on the subject of acquiring a property portfolio in a short space of time  –  0-100 properties…. and 0-130 properties …. , .

    We managed to get ahead by using a small deposit and borrowing against  family real estate equity to buy and operate a motel leasehold, then bought the freehold, now sold that and expanding into buying several leaseholds to be run under management. Didn't own a home to start with and motels provide one free onsite so it seemed like a good idea and it worked just fine.

    Just to repeat my earlier question – what's the average appreciation rate on NSW property since 1960 ?
    Can anyone tell me or where I'd find it ?  The reason for the question is that any strategy  relying on natural increase in property value over time should at least know the long term average.


    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    selling motels in NSW

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    Hi Patrick
    Uni fills lots of rental properties especially early in the year. Near the uni is popular.
    Bathurst weather is extreme winter & summer.
    Most popular rentals are those with gas heating & roof mounted evap coolers as the cheapest most effective, then R/C aircon.
    Insulation very important.
    Windradyne is popular for tenants, see Ribbon Gum court, Raine & Horne PMs are well regarded.
    Heard some buyers avoid Kelso.
    Plans afoot to build more offshoot race tracks onto Mt Panorama. 
    Bathurst is a great town.

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    selling motels in NSW

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    Does anyone have the figures on this  ?  :

    What is the state average annual appreciation rate for houses and units 
    in NSW over the last 50 year period ?

    The purpose is to have some average to use to crunch an investment scenario I'm working on.

    Any assistance appreciated.


    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    selling motels in NSW

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    Hi Mal
    Scott & Anthony have nailed it.
    Assuming you are talking about buying one unit, not the motel.

    Why would a motel sell off popular units ?

    If the motel is managing them for you, think about how or why this would be more profitable for them if you funded it instead.

    Exit strategy depends on desireability of the property which depends on CG & nett profit and the security /reliability of nett profit
    after costs of operation such as booking commissions or fees, net fees like wotif, advertising, cleaning, maintenance, repairs, periodic refurbishment, strata (if applicable), all of which are paid by the investor.

    For some accommodation operators, it's cheaper to finance each unit by selling them to an investor on say a 5% return basis than pay the bank 8%+ for commercial finance.

    Others give the investor the leftovers or a pro-rata share of the pooled leftovers from all the units after operational costs are paid out, and the costs are often charged out at a very high rate above actual.
    e.g. cleaning a motel unit takes 20 mins, 30 minutes max. actual cost $20. Investor is charged $75. Difference is management's commission.

    Investors replace the bank and guarantee to pay the fixed and variable costs, through quiet times and busy times,
    definately a good deal for the operator.
    Examine very carefully  Scott & Anthony's points to see if it's also a good deal for the investor.


    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    selling motels in NSW

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    Hi Jake
    I worked out $300 p.w. rent x 50 weeks = $15,000 rent income p.a. ,  allowing 2 weeks for costs of tenant in/out.
    $15,000p.a.  return on the property cost of $200,000 = 7.5% gross rent return on investment.
    It's 7.8% if you use a 52 week year.

    Is that what you mean ?


    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    selling motels in NSW

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    Hi Nathan
    Yes, welcome to the democratic side, no castles here, and there is hospitality.
    You mention $300 rent return on $200K = 7.5% gross rent return.
    What is the degree of difficulty or ease in finding these deals ?
    City, fringe or country ?
    Are you referring to a reno, facelift, weekend cleanup rental or what ?
    Some details along these lines may help to assess if this is seems workable.

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    selling motels in NSW

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    The reverse cycle splits sound good, covering all seasons.
    Tenants won't line up to pay a good rent in a cold area for a poorly heated house.
    You might consider what a month or two of IP vacancy is worth plus tenant turnover plus your own comfort in the meantime.

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    selling motels in NSW

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    I suggest you ask those who professionally value motels that excellent question.

    Hopefully their method of valuation should not differ too much from yours as a buyer.
    e.g. leasehold – period remaining, lessee's lease conditions, nett profit, condition of goods n chattels, current and future security of business.
    freehold – land value, nett profit, condition of building and other improvements, condition of goods n chattels, current and future security of business.

    Land values change according to local market conditions.


    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    selling motels in NSW

    Profile photo of thecrestthecrest
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    Hi Zaul
    Preserve that energy drive n enthusiasm, and use it to build a plan and some capital.
    You have opportunity, need to build on that.
    Good luck, go for it.

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    selling motels in NSW

    Profile photo of thecrestthecrest
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    Hi Kindren
    Strong motel town,
    Plenty of through and destination traffic.
    It's one of the few places where the Pac Hwy goes through a town on the water, rather than having to leave the hwy and travel 7-10 kms to reach the town. Makes a difference.
    No bypass.
    Strong town infrastructure, beach, marina, CBD, strong local economy.
    High tourist activity.
    Decreasing travelling time from Sydney or Brisbane.
    Road improving.
    Some tired competitors in need of refurb.
    Excessive discounting by some (priceboards)e.g. group between Toreador and hwy lights.
    Some motels flooded (e.g. ground floor Bentley in town opposite RSL, Council reckons nearby stormwater creek thru park now cleared).
    Periodic refurbishment essential.
    Some seasonality in sales.

    BTW. Country Comfort should do better, don't know why it isnt, check traffic noise, net mktg or refurb situation.
    Hope that helps, all only an opinion, usual disclaimers apply, exhaustive homework DD is your best friend.

    Here to help if you need it or want to discuss specifics, PM me / email.

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    selling motels in NSW

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    After Bunnings bought out the main local hardware concern in a central west NSW country town last year, the application form for credit required the applicant to agree to using their real estate as security for default.

    Read the application form very carefully.

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    selling motels in NSW

    Profile photo of thecrestthecrest
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    Hi Kindren
    Welcome to the Forum.
    The type of motel is very important in giving an opinion on "motels in Coffs Harbour".
    Are you seeking a motel ?
    If so, then if you clearly explain what style of motel you're seeking
     I can be more specific with Coffs, because it all matters.
    Include your preferences with
     price bracket,
    age & condition,
     leasehold or freehold,
     restaurant or B&B, 
    number of rooms,
    chain or not, 
    any other preferences. 

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    selling motels in NSW

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