The Fox replied to the topic JDL Strategies in the forum General Property 9 years ago
I have to agree with everything you had to say Colin.
It seems to me that mcord has listed all the reasons that he should be avoiding JDL above, but still seems to cling to the idea that he should support them! To me that just spells out the dangers when spruikers target naive and inexperienced property investors. It is far too easy for them to…[Read more]
The Fox replied to the topic JDL Strategies in the forum General Property 11 years ago
Goodness me APOLO. You seem to be making a lot of assumptions don’t you. Thanks for your offer but I really don’t need your help or referral to your guru. I really made two points in my last post:
1) That you sound very much like a spruiker (or committed student of one) yourself as you parrot all the same lines they use.
2) That you are hardly…[Read more]The Fox replied to the topic JDL Strategies in the forum General Property 11 years ago
LOL APOLO. You are either a spruiker yourself or one of those seminar junkies who has been trained to parrot all their their lines.
Your name wouldn’t happen to be Julio would it? Sorry to be so suspicious but who gives a company such a glowing testimonial having only seen the CEO of the company speak a few times at seminars? If you haven’t had…[Read more]
The Fox replied to the topic JDL Strategies in the forum General Property 11 years ago
Thanks for your post ‘still learning’. I fear that you may have placed far too much trust in these people.The recommendation to purchase 4 properties straight up, is a areal concern for me. It sounds like you are borrowing to your maximum capacity and that leaves no safety net. This is typical advice from many marketing companies who don’t really…[Read more]
The Fox replied to the topic “THE INVESTORS CLUB” ANYONE HEARD OF THEM OR KNOW WHAT THEY ARE ABOUT? in the forum Help Needed! 11 years ago
And the complaints just keep rolling in. Kevin Young is obviously having problems with his spin doctoring now. Very few of his statements make a lot of sense and if you listen carefully to them, most of them are just plucked out of thin air. Never has Kevin Young been able to show one TIC member who has genuinely been able to retire using the…[Read more]
The Fox replied to the topic Is THE INVESTORS CLUB for real? in the forum Heads Up! 11 years ago
Not surprising really I suppose. ABC have just done a story on this fake club.
Where there is smoke there is fire and I think Kevin Young has a lot of spot fires to contend with lately…[Read more]
The Fox replied to the topic JDL Strategies in the forum General Property 11 years ago
Yes exactly “driventosucceed” Interesting how they are obviously avoiding answering my very legitimate and direct questions now! Don’t believe for a minute that they are not now monitoring the comments made about them on this site.
Come on Julio. By avoiding my questions you are beginning to look like just another silver toothed sales spiv who…[Read more]
The Fox replied to the topic JDL Strategies in the forum General Property 11 years ago
Property Pro, it sounds very much to me that that you are somehow involved with, or speaking on behalf of JDL Strategies in your post. If I am correct about this I wonder why you have completely avoided my previous question?
Secondly to suggest that by searching for complaints against JDL on the internet and not being able to find them on…[Read more]
The Fox replied to the topic JDL Strategies in the forum General Property 11 years ago
An old thread I know but what I can’t figure out about JDL Strategies is this.
Are they being also being paid by the seller when they sell properties? I have listened to the video clip by Julio about their fee structure and he seems to suggest that they are paid by the buyer and are therefore a ‘buyers agent’.
Fair enough but do they also get…[Read more]
The Fox replied to the topic Mark Rolton – Massland Review in the forum Opinionated! 11 years ago
Don't mean to be rude Mushirkhan but you posted a link to a site that gave you all the information you need, yet you seem to be still confused???. Just reading the postings on that link, I wouldn't go near this man personally, there is just too much bad wrap associated to him and what positive wraps he does get seems to be from people who have…[Read more]
The Fox replied to the topic Feedback on Property Secrets with Paul Giezekamp in the forum Value Adding 11 years ago
My advice if you believe you have been conned by this man is to make a formal complaint with the NSW Office of Fair Trading. It can be done online, just visit their website. if you don;t make a complaint they will say no-one told them.
I know that the OFT have received complaints about this company in the past that they have ignored and bluffed…[Read more]
The Fox replied to the topic Feedback on Property Secrets with Paul Giezekamp in the forum Value Adding 11 years ago
Yes I'm sure Property Secrets would love to identify their critics. lol 'Give us a call so we can identify who you are and we can then arrange for our lawyers to send you a threatening letter! '
Paul Giezekamp and his company are disgraceful and driven by greed. For those that are interested, Today Tonight ran a story about them 04/10/13. It…[Read more]
The Fox replied to the topic Rick Otton in the forum Heads Up! 12 years ago
I suggest readers check out this latest action taken against Rick Otton in WA for misleading and deceptive practices. It's time the other states followed suit in my view.
The Fox replied to the topic Destiny in the forum General Property 12 years ago
An old post now I know, but I was searching for something else and came across it. I would have to say that I would use Destiny Services (Margaret Lomas) long before I would use many other of these property marketing / spruiking companies. The thing that sets them apart for me is that they are not taking a commissions from the developers like many…[Read more]
The Fox replied to the topic Anyone knows or member of “Cashflow Capital Pty Ltd”? in the forum Help Needed! 12 years ago
I can't see how this is legal
It appears from a quick look at the Cashflow Capital website that they are operating as buyer's agents and selling agents in the same transaction. If nothing else it is a huge conflict of interest and I wouldn't feel at all comfortable dealing with any company who takes a fee from both sides.
I think this is…[Read more]
The Fox replied to the topic Is THE INVESTORS CLUB for real? in the forum Heads Up! 12 years ago
This is a very interesting thread I found which relates to this topic.
The Fox replied to the topic Is THE INVESTORS CLUB for real? in the forum Heads Up! 12 years ago
Oh Terry, re your last comment about the trial. I discovered that what happened was Kevin Young was pushed to the court room steps and then wanted to settle out of court with all the usual confidentiality deeds attached so no-one can speak publicly about what really happened. He also insisted that the victims make a ridiculous public statement to…[Read more]
The Fox replied to the topic Is THE INVESTORS CLUB for real? in the forum Heads Up! 12 years ago
I know this is now a very old post about The Investors Club, but it one of the first that comes up these days under a google search for anyone attempting to research or do their due diligence on this company and it's founder Kevin Young. For that reason I thought I would add a new post to it.
This story appeared on ABC TV very recently and I…[Read more]
The Fox replied to the topic Wealth Acceleration Group – any experience? in the forum Help Needed! 12 years ago
If you go back to the beginning of this thread and read it right the way through it is a classic. Well done Richard Taylor I say, who immediately identified what was going on with this thread long before the truth was ever exposed. Egg on your face to the builder though!
Some of the early comments are perfect examples of how so many people…[Read more]
The Fox replied to the topic WARNING: Dual Living/ Granny Flat unapproved Duplexes- Brisbane City Council Enforcement Notices in the forum General Property 12 years ago
I have to say that I agree with this assessment completely and I think it is a great thing that Darryl is drawing public attention to this. It will no doubt affect many 'investment' buyers who were misled into purchasing these properties by marketing companies on the basis that they could be dual tenanted.
I am aware that The Investors Club is…[Read more]
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