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  • terryod replied to the topic Negative Gear Family Home in the forum Legal & Accounting 14 years, 7 months ago

    Thanks Mr501 and KCM for your comments.Just so I can be clear, I thought you could only negative gear a loan on a property if the loan is for investment purposes at the outset (has to do with intent at time loan is taken) and the property is likely to make a positive return at some time in the future. I did not think you could negative gear the…[Read more]

  • terryod started the topic Negative Gear Family Home in the forum Legal & Accounting 14 years, 7 months ago

    I asked this question in a different forum, but got confused on who was repling to me.

    A friend of mine moved out of his family home and moved into a new house. He kept his first home and rented it out when he moved into his new home. He has been negative gearing the first property since moving out. I said this is not right and he may get hit by…[Read more]

  • terryod replied to the topic Turning my family home into an investment property in the forum I have a similar question, a 14 years, 7 months ago

    I have a similar question, a friend of mine moved out of his principal place of residence and moved into a new house. He has been negative gearing the first property since moving out. I said this is not right and he maybget hit by the ATO if he gets audited. Can som on let me know what the go is here?

  • terryod replied to the topic Internet Research in the forum No, I was hoping to get my 15 years, 4 months ago

    No, I was hoping to get my head around the variables of what makesa good investment, where they are, some sales data etc?


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