terroni2105 replied to the topic First IP structure….Trust or not? in the forum Legal & Accounting 19 years ago
thanks Terry.
terroni2105 replied to the topic How much tax to pay?? in the forum Legal & Accounting 19 years ago
Can a ‘bucket company’ be set up at any stage and added as a beneficiary to an existing trust? or must it be established as a beneficiary from the moment the trust is set up?
terroni2105 replied to the topic First IP structure….Trust or not? in the forum Legal & Accounting 19 years ago
I’m wondering if I buy an IP in a discretionary trust and then sell 10years later and get a capital gain – is that gain distributed as I like to whichever beneficiary I choose? the same as normal income? or is the lump sum profit from a capital gain treated differently? if so, how?
terroni2105 replied to the topic ASSET PROTECTION = BUY IP AS TRUSTS? in the forum Legal & Accounting 19 years ago
Many thanks for your guidance and time CATA. I’m still trying to get my head around it but slowly, slowly getting there!
terroni2105 replied to the topic ASSET PROTECTION = BUY IP AS TRUSTS? in the forum No Subject 19 years ago
I have been reading about Trusts – discretionary and unit.I am still trying to clarify in my own mind why it would be beneficial to by my IPs in a trust.
My plan is to buy 1-3 IPs over the next 5 years (don’t know how many at this point). And to hold onto those IPs and sell for retirement and transfer proceeds into super fund and then…[Read more]
terroni2105 replied to the topic ASSET PROTECTION = BUY IP AS TRUSTS? in the forum Legal & Accounting 19 years ago
Thanks Terryw
Is it correct that if I am a trustee I can’t be a beneficiary?
Hence I would probably then set up a company as trustee. And then I can be a beneficiary?So I can have a trust set up in NSW and buy QLD property via that trust?
Thanks again.
Toni Cooper
terroni2105 replied to the topic ASSET PROTECTION = BUY IP AS TRUSTS? in the forum Legal & Accounting 19 years ago
Can you buy and sell shares actively (every few months) in a trust?
Can you start a trust in anticipation of holding investments (ie. buying an IP) in it? Of do you have to buy the IP first and then start up a trust to put it in?
What if I live in NSW but I buy an IP in another state?
Do I buy the IP in my individual name? or the trustee’s…[Read more]
terroni2105 replied to the topic ASSET PROTECTION = BUY IP AS TRUSTS? in the forum Legal & Accounting 19 years ago
Can you buy and sell shares actively (every few months) in a trust?
Can you start a trust in anticipation of holding investments (ie. buying an IP) in it? Of do you have to buy the IP first and then start up a trust to put it in?
What if I live in NSW but I buy an IP in another state?
Do I buy the IP in my individual name? or the trustee’s…[Read more]