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  • terroni2105 replied to the topic First IP structure….Trust or not? in the forum Legal & Accounting 19 years ago

    thanks Terry.


  • terroni2105 replied to the topic How much tax to pay?? in the forum Legal & Accounting 19 years ago

    Can a ‘bucket company’ be set up at any stage and added as a beneficiary to an existing trust? or must it be established as a beneficiary from the moment the trust is set up?



  • terroni2105 replied to the topic First IP structure….Trust or not? in the forum Legal & Accounting 19 years ago

    I’m wondering if I buy an IP in a discretionary trust and then sell 10years later and get a capital gain – is that gain distributed as I like to whichever beneficiary I choose? the same as normal income? or is the lump sum profit from a capital gain treated differently? if so, how?



  • terroni2105 replied to the topic ASSET PROTECTION = BUY IP AS TRUSTS? in the forum Legal & Accounting 19 years ago

    Many thanks for your guidance and time CATA. I’m still trying to get my head around it but slowly, slowly getting there!


  • terroni2105 replied to the topic ASSET PROTECTION = BUY IP AS TRUSTS? in the forum No Subject 19 years ago

    I have been reading about Trusts – discretionary and unit.

    I am still trying to clarify in my own mind why it would be beneficial to by my IPs in a trust.

    My plan is to buy 1-3 IPs over the next 5 years (don’t know how many at this point). And to hold onto those IPs and sell for retirement and transfer proceeds into super fund and then…[Read more]

  • terroni2105 replied to the topic ASSET PROTECTION = BUY IP AS TRUSTS? in the forum Legal & Accounting 19 years ago

    Thanks Terryw

    Is it correct that if I am a trustee I can’t be a beneficiary?
    Hence I would probably then set up a company as trustee. And then I can be a beneficiary?

    So I can have a trust set up in NSW and buy QLD property via that trust?

    Thanks again.

    Toni Cooper

  • terroni2105 replied to the topic ASSET PROTECTION = BUY IP AS TRUSTS? in the forum Legal & Accounting 19 years ago

    Can you buy and sell shares actively (every few months) in a trust?

    Can you start a trust in anticipation of holding investments (ie. buying an IP) in it? Of do you have to buy the IP first and then start up a trust to put it in?

    What if I live in NSW but I buy an IP in another state?

    Do I buy the IP in my individual name? or the trustee’s…[Read more]

  • terroni2105 replied to the topic ASSET PROTECTION = BUY IP AS TRUSTS? in the forum Legal & Accounting 19 years ago

    Can you buy and sell shares actively (every few months) in a trust?

    Can you start a trust in anticipation of holding investments (ie. buying an IP) in it? Of do you have to buy the IP first and then start up a trust to put it in?

    What if I live in NSW but I buy an IP in another state?

    Do I buy the IP in my individual name? or the trustee’s…[Read more]
