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  • ten_burner replied to the topic What Supplements Do You Use? in the forum Forum Frolic 10 years, 3 months ago

    Exercise, a balanced diet & drink plenty of water, that will do more than any supplement. The only supplement I recommend is scotch & dry with a cigar every now an then

  • ten_burner replied to the topic It's almost June (what have you achieved) in the forum Help Needed! 10 years, 3 months ago

    Well done guys, I got to the states last month, I just settled on a 3rd IP in Kansas City, I aim to pick up at least another 5 with my business partner before the year is out. I am aiming to buy another Sydney property to live in as My family expands in the next 3-4 months

    Good luck guys

  • ten_burner replied to the topic Should you have an exclusive agreement with an agent in the forum Help Needed! 10 years, 3 months ago

    Any agent worth using will not work for you without an exclusive agency agreement. Most agents work commission only, they will not invest their time an effort in you & your property, while there is a risk another agent could sell it & get all the commission. Would you

  • ten_burner replied to the topic Burnie Property in the forum Help Needed! 10 years, 3 months ago

    2006/2007 (I bought 3 IPs there) was the end of a property boom in tassy, due to economic reasons (the greens) unemployment has risen, the forestry industry was shut down which didn’t help (amongst other things) also I believe 70% of people in tassy get most of their income from the government (unemployed, pensioners, students, public servants…[Read more]

  • ten_burner replied to the topic The End Of Negative Gearing? in the forum General Property 10 years, 4 months ago

    I am playing devils advocate here, I believe Capital gains tax actually helps keep our property market stable during GFC like events, it stops investors panic selling their IPs & therefore flooding market.
    I guess the pain associated in handing over vast sums of money in the form of Cap gains tax, encourages people to take a wait & see…[Read more]

  • ten_burner replied to the topic The End Of Negative Gearing? in the forum General Property 10 years, 4 months ago

    Good point Nigel, Capital gains tax on property was brought in around the same time as negative gearing(circa 1985), perhaps to counter the lower revenue the government received as a result of allowing negative gearing.
    If they get rid of one they should get rid of the other.

  • Bennytee‘s profile was updated 10 years, 4 months ago

  • ten_burner replied to the topic How to get rid of my property manager? in the forum Help Needed! 10 years, 4 months ago

    A PM agreement is a 2 page document deliberately written in Layman’s terms so its easy for the general public to understand, hardly cause for a lawyer($$$) & if you want to take it further, the cheaper (free) alternative is to contact the office of fair trading in your state, they deal with this type of things everyday, they are the main body in…[Read more]

  • ten_burner replied to the topic How to get rid of my property manager? in the forum Help Needed! 10 years, 4 months ago

    There is an ethical way and an unethical way to handle the situation. The original property management issues where not what I would call catastrophic or malicious, the ethical thing to do is give them the 30 days notice, then move on.

    I double checked with a PM friend of mine she told me the agency is entitled to the management fees (as I…[Read more]

  • ten_burner replied to the topic PLEASE Point Me In The Right Direction in the forum Help Needed! 10 years, 4 months ago

    I have been using Strategic wealth since 2008, no issues always on the ball

  • ten_burner replied to the topic new layout in the forum Site Problems / Feedback 10 years, 4 months ago

    Perhaps its time to start your own forum lol

  • ten_burner replied to the topic How to get rid of my property manager? in the forum Help Needed! 10 years, 4 months ago

    I believe you will still have to pay their management fees for the notice period, even if you said you wanted everything handed over to you tomorrow. Remember, by signing the managing agreement you have agreed to the terms & conditions on that document.

  • ten_burner replied to the topic Positive Cash Flow Properties – Real world examples in the forum General Property 10 years, 4 months ago

    I believe most people except “hick town” as general slang for a small regional town.
    I never said anything about country people not paying their rent on time nor would I.

    I only spoke about fundamental issues with small towns that are commonplace (I except there is the odd exception like mining towns) like…
    longer vacancies, minimal to no…[Read more]

  • ten_burner replied to the topic How to get rid of my property manager? in the forum Help Needed! 10 years, 4 months ago

    There should be a termination notice period in your property management agreement, email them and say that you are terminating the management agreement (so you both have a record), 30 days is a normal termination notice period, however it might depend on which state your property is in.

  • ten_burner replied to the topic Positive Cash Flow Properties – Real world examples in the forum General Property 10 years, 4 months ago

    15% net return after all expenses(insurance, rates, taxes, management fees etc) in Kansas City, population 600,000. From what I saw there its actually better than I first thought.

  • ten_burner replied to the topic Positive Cash Flow Properties – Real world examples in the forum General Property 10 years, 4 months ago

    sorry about the edit, I am learning BBCodes

  • ten_burner replied to the topic Positive Cash Flow Properties – Real world examples in the forum General Property 10 years, 4 months ago

    I suspect the credit crunch played a largest part post GFC, however I believe it is similar to reasons why people in Australia don’t own property, no deposit, wages are lower, more interested in lifestyle. However I try not to over analysis on a macro level, I have found places in the US where I can safely walk down the street an my property…[Read more]

  • ten_burner replied to the topic Positive Cash Flow Properties – Real world examples in the forum General Property 10 years, 4 months ago

    I suspect the credit crunch played a largest part post GFC, however I believe it is similar to reasons why people in Australia don’t own property, no deposit, wages are lower, more interested in lifestyle. However I try not to over analysis on a macro level, I have found places in the US where I can safely walk down the street an my property…[Read more]

  • ten_burner replied to the topic Positive Cash Flow Properties – Real world examples in the forum General Property 10 years, 4 months ago

    I suspect the credit crunch played a largest part post GFC, however I believe it is similar to reasons why people in Australia don’t own property, no deposit, wages are lower, more interested in lifestyle. However I try not to over analysis on a macro level, I have found places in the US where I can safely walk down the street an my property…[Read more]

  • ten_burner replied to the topic Positive Cash Flow Properties – Real world examples in the forum General Property 10 years, 4 months ago

    Agreed the US is where its at for cash flow, its the stuff you dream about back here in Australia. I have not had a single issue with tenants, rent etc in the US.

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