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  • Bennytee changed their profile picture 5 years ago

  • Bennytee‘s profile was updated 5 years ago

  • Bennytee changed their profile picture 5 years ago

  • ten_burner replied to the topic US property investing journey in the forum Overseas Deals 5 years ago

    Hi Matt, I started buying cashflow property in Kansas City in 2013 with a friend/business partner of mine, we ended up with several cheap properties, we did well partly due to the exchange rate over the last 6 years and growth of the US economy. We sold them all in the last 12 months. I’m not sure about your situation but happy for you to m…[Read more]

  • Bennytee changed their profile picture 8 years ago

  • Like all Political Parties, Labor will talk tough (easy to do in opposition) and tell the people what they want to hear to get their votes. Once in Office its a different story, policies get watered down etc. From memory the Labor Party brings up abolishing negative gearing about every 12 months.

  • Bennytee‘s profile was updated 8 years ago

  • Bennytee changed their profile picture 8 years ago

  • ten_burner replied to the topic Does investing in the US actually work? in the forum Overseas Deals 9 years ago

    Im still in KCMO with a business partner of mine, to be honest its worked out well for me, However I went over there a number of times to sort my own things out and met the right people. I have a good property manager who I have actually become good friends with in the last few years, so that has helped.

  • ten_burner replied to the topic U.S. Investing tools in the forum Overseas Deals 9 years ago

    I find this website quite accurate for quickly assessing the likely rent in the US for a particular property

  • ten_burner replied to the topic U.S. Investing tools in the forum Overseas Deals 9 years ago

    I find this website quite accurate for quickly assessing the likely rent in the US for a particular property

  • Bennytee‘s profile was updated 9 years ago

  • Bennytee‘s profile was updated 10 years ago

  • Bennytee changed their profile picture 10 years ago

  • Bennytee changed their profile picture 10 years ago

  • Bennytee changed their profile picture 10 years ago

  • Bennytee changed their profile picture 10 years ago

  • catinthehat, I agree with you, also I am skeptical of the Co2 benefits of everyone driving electric cars in a country like Australia, where 74% of our electricity comes from Coal power. The more electric cars on the road the more Coal we need to burn, go figure.

  • @catinthehat, I agree with you, also I am skeptical of the Co2 benefits of everyone driving electric cars in a country like Australia, where 74% of our electricity comes from Coal power. The more electric cars on the road the more Coal we need to burn, go figure.

  • Bennytee‘s profile was updated 11 years ago

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