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  • tedgalee replied to the topic The 3 P’s of Property in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    Enjoyed the 3 Ps. Thanks
    Plan to buy cf+ property but fearful can’t get tenants and having no insurance cover due to cancer really concerned about the cancer coming back so no income and the “silent killer of no rent”
    Purpose to get as much loan possible but always have problem with servibility so consequently very difficult to find very low…[Read more]

  • tedgalee replied to the topic Henry Kaye course in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Dear Louise
    I attended this course last year as a real beginner who doesn’t even know what equity is. So it was information overload for me. For those who are in the know the first 2 days were mainly revision for them and only on the 3rd they find it informative. I managed to team with with someone and bought an off the plan property which has…[Read more]
