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  • Techno replied to the topic Latest indications from RBA, etc. in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    Originally posted by Dazzling:
    Having just spent the last 10 minutes reading all of the above really intelligent dross, the only thing I can suggest to lift the poor hapless chaps and chapesses in NSW and Vic is for all of the vocal greenies to finally take a back seat and allow some lads to start ferociously drilling and digging some dirty big…[Read more]

  • Techno replied to the topic Financial independence goals in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    Originally posted by wezwaz:
    My perspective on financial independence:

    Paid work in some respects does have advantages – every week you know what you get to take home and the risk is taken by your employer. Can you say that about your own business? No. These are the trade-offs when we make our choices. Having said that, the disadvantages in paid…[Read more]

  • Techno replied to the topic Latest indications from RBA, etc. in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    Resources boom changes growth engine
    By Ross Gittins
    August 13, 2005

    The two great factors influencing the economy at present are the end of the housing boom and the continuation of the resources boom.

    These factors show how the economy’s source of growth is in the process of shifting from the domestic engine to the external engine. They also…[Read more]

  • Techno replied to the topic Be wary of scams in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    From 60 minutes:

    Paul Barry has hunted down some elusive villains in his time, but this one — King Con — takes the cake. He’s been feted as one of Australia’s richest men, a property developer with a taste for the high life. A couple of penthouses worth $12 million, a Mercedes that cost another million. But the man’s a crook. He’s ripped of…[Read more]

  • Techno replied to the topic Affluenza in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    Households’ $1000-a-week splurge
    Caroline Overington, The Australian

    VAST numbers of Australians are now spending more than $1000 a week on housing, food and clothes — and, increasingly, on new technologies such as mobile telephones, text messaging, the internet and pay-TV.

    In some states, spending on such new technologies has increased…[Read more]

  • Techno replied to the topic Latest indications from RBA, etc. in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    Rates move a 50-50 chance, says RBA
    From: AAP

    RESERVE Bank governor Ian Macfarlane has ruled out any move on interest rates in the near term, saying an interest rate cut is just as likely as an increase.

    Inflation was largely under control, the economy was moving along well, and the global economy was strong, Mr Macfarlane said in…[Read more]

  • Techno replied to the topic Affluenza in the forum Opinionated! 20 years ago

    Households saving falls
    From: AAP

    THE proportion of Australian households saving some of their income has fallen in the past six months, suggesting a decline in their financial capabilities and an addiction to credit cards.

    The latest ING Direct Melbourne Institute Household Saving and Investment Report shows in the past two quarters…[Read more]

  • Techno replied to the topic Where is every one? in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    Originally posted by coreyjay:
    In 2003 this forum used to be a busy little place there were posts coming and going every minute of the day.Where’s every one gone are you all sitting on the sidelines just watching see what happens or is it that the fad of property has been thrown in the too hard basket because the booms over maybe everyone is in NZ…[Read more]

  • Techno replied to the topic Latest indications from RBA, etc. in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    For the past few months, I have been thinking that the mining boom in Australia will inject a lot of wealth into the Australian economy and continue to do so for the next year, at least.

    Shareholders in mining companies are reaping huge profits and collecting big dividend cheques. Employees in the mining industry are rising in numbers and…[Read more]

  • Techno replied to the topic Latest indications from RBA, etc. in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    House prices falling
    By Nicki Bourlioufas

    Falls in house prices were recorded for Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane in the June quarter.

    HOUSE prices are falling in Australia’s big cities, while the resources boom is pushing prices sharply higher in the west, according to an index of house prices.

    A new housing price…[Read more]

  • Techno replied to the topic Latest indications from RBA, etc. in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    The main points from the RBA’s statement:

    â– “Recent economic data continue to suggest that domestic demand is growing more slowly this year than it was in 2004.”

    â– “Households now seem to have entered a phase in which they are consolidating their balance sheets, borrowing less and increasing their spending less quickly than they were a year or…[Read more]

  • Techno replied to the topic Latest indications from RBA, etc. in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    Why young people are leaving our big cities
    August 9, 2005 (The Age)

    First home buyers are being outbid by investors for homes, writes Tim Colebatch.

    Melbourne and Sydney are Australia’s global cities: its creative hubs, its centres of finance, business, research, innovation, sport, entertainment and fun. They should be magnets pulling young…[Read more]

  • Techno replied to the topic Japan is cheap! in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    The demographic profile in Japan needs to considered. It is the fastest ageing population in the world and will soon have falling population numbers.

    The fertility rate (children per couple) has been hovering around 1.1 to 1.3 for over a decade. One of the lowest in the world.

    I have read that there are parts of Japan, where children can hardly…[Read more]

  • Techno replied to the topic Affluenza in the forum Opinionated! 20 years ago

    Hi Giddo,

    You are doing well.

    You might be pleased to know that even Warren Buffett keeps his car for 10 years before he buys a new one.

    In today’s media:

    Men’s life crises at age 25
    From: The Daily Telegraph

    Doubt .. these days men are suffering mid-life crisis as early as age 25.

    TO qualify for a mid-life crisis, a man used to…[Read more]

  • Techno replied to the topic Affluenza in the forum Opinionated! 20 years ago

    Prepare for more traffic congestion on the roads.

    By Ross Gittins, The Age newspaper
    August 3, 2005

    “What do you do with your money after you have moved to a bigger and better house, acquired a whopping mortgage and the price of petrol is going through the roof? Buy a new car, of course.

    You haven’t bought one lately? Oh dear. You’d better look…[Read more]

  • Techno replied to the topic Affluenza in the forum Opinionated! 20 years ago

    Originally posted by kendo5181:
    … Techno .. in what line of work or interest do you gather so much information? ..

    Hi Kendo,

    I only “drop in” to this forum once a while. My previous work was stated in my previous post in this thread. Now, I am merely an investor.

    I enjoy reading. I find it helps me to understand the world I live in, a…[Read more]

  • Techno replied to the topic Affluenza in the forum Opinionated! 20 years ago

    There is a full page review of the book “Affluenza” in today’s Financial Review.

    Also, a cover story in today’s BRW on the trend towards self employment.

  • Techno replied to the topic Affluenza in the forum Opinionated! 20 years ago

    Yes, I agree that the next recession will come. That is as certain as night follows day. It is only a matter of time.

    I also agree that when it hits, the highly geared are likely to suffer financially, as happened in every previous recession.

    However, between now and when it hits (2006 or later – just keep an eye on interest rates and rising…[Read more]

  • Techno replied to the topic Affluenza in the forum Opinionated! 20 years ago

    No, I do not see a recession yet, for the rest of this year (but I could be wrong).

    The mining boom and stock market boom have contributed a huge amount of liquidity into the economy. Western Australia is booming. QLD and SA also receiving gains from the mining boom.

    Interest rates remain reasonable (albeit high relative to international…[Read more]

  • Techno replied to the topic Affluenza in the forum Opinionated! 20 years ago

    The borrowing binge consuming our future
    By Tim Colebatch, The Age Economics Editor
    May 17, 2005

    “Forget the boom-time budget. We are living way beyond our means.

    It’s a strength of the Bracks Government that it understood what its predecessor achieved and kept up its legacy. It’s a weakness of the Howard Government that it never understood what…[Read more]

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