tbarrett replied to the topic Overseas Investing – Denarau Fiji in the forum General Property 21 years ago
Points to consider –
You need to make sure 65% occupancy really translates to 65%.
Also they are putting up resorts in Fiji at a fast pace – you need to make sure you dont end up getting superceded.
Additionally, Fiji is not a very politically stable place – it’s had 2 coups in 10 years. Ask the locals what happens to the market each time – it…[Read more]tbarrett replied to the topic Place comments about my spreadsheet here in the forum General Property 21 years ago
Could you send me a copy.
Tim Barrett
tbarrett@seven.com.autbarrett replied to the topic Cash on Cash calculator…. in the forum General Property 21 years ago
Kevin –
Can you advise what you have factored into the “closing costs” so I know what costs I am allowing for.
Also – does MelBear enhanced mean there is another version? Could you email it through.
Thanks – it’s a really useful tool.
Tim Barrett
tbarrett replied to the topic NZ market in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
I am looking at an NZ purchase and trying to figure out the best structure to buy it under as an aussie investor.
Ive had advice from my accountant to set up an NZ company and purchse through this, but not to bother about a trust.
I think his logic is that with the company structure I dont have to distribute earnings so I can keep it all in NZ…[Read more]
tbarrett replied to the topic Lease Options in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
If Gillis Delaney Brown who I use in Sydney have an office in Perth then I would recommend them – I have used them for option documents successfully.
Tim Barretttbarrett replied to the topic What’s your profession? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
Im a TV Producer with a pashion for property!
Ive been investing in property for a few years, but because it was mainly on a negative gearing basis Ive been wondering until recently how I was ever supposed to stop working and reep the rewards!
Now im focussed – Cashflow positive property. Ive sold off almost all of the neg. ones!
Ive also been…[Read more]
tbarrett replied to the topic NZ suburbs in the forum No Subject 22 years ago
Sorry about the last post – just getting used to how to email these forums.
Ive spent the last few hours reading right through all the comments on NZ – the insight is terrific.
Im heading over to NZ late next week to do a bit of on the ground research! A few days in Auckland and surrounds and a quick trip to Wellington and surrounds.
Would…[Read more]