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  • TazDaz replied to the topic Proactive, not reactive:NZTip of the Day in the forum Overseas Deals 19 years, 11 months ago

    If you need to make a lot of cheap calls to NZ than why not try calling through the internet with a facility like Firefly….it can be downloaded at and all you do is pre pay….its dirt cheap and I should know. My wife calls her family in South Africa all the time and there are never any good deals to SA through the big…[Read more]

  • TazDaz replied to the topic West Coast of Tasmania in the forum No Subject 19 years, 11 months ago

    The word around town here in Zeehan (West Coast) is the the mines are gearing up and there is a drastic shortage of rental accomodation. I have been watching properties around town popping up for sale and achieving good prices. Finding somthing of decent quality is difficult however and property managers are in short supply on the West Coast.

    I…[Read more]

  • TazDaz replied to the topic Properties in Northern Territory in the forum No Subject 20 years, 11 months ago

    Just came across this discussion regarding Alice Sprigns. My wife and I bought a great two bedroom townhouse in re-development next to town back in May for $127.000. I have just recieved call from two agents, in the past day, wanting to sell it for us again, and telling us the capital gain has been fantastic. It has been a nice little positive…[Read more]


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